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Features / Editions

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EurekaLog contains all the features that you need in a bug resolution system.


It comes in 3 editions:


Trial - it's fully functional edition with (one and only) additional limitation: any application, which is compiled with Trial edition of EurekaLog will expire after 30 days. There will be error message box after 30 days and application will exit. Trial itself may be used for infinite time. This edition can be used to evaluate EurekaLog. You can not use this edition for any commercial development.
Professional - it's fully function edition. This is minimum edition to do actual work except evaluating (including commercial development).
Enterprise - it's the same as Professional edition, except it additionally offers full source code of EurekaLog.


Please note that we also have different license types:


Single license - single developer. This license can be used by a single person on reasonable amount of machines (including virtual machines). Can not be used on build servers.
Company license - unlimited company developers at one geographical address. This license can be used by any amount of developers at single office. Suitable for use on build servers.
Corporate license - unlimited company developers at unlimited geographical addresses. This unlimited license can be used by any number of developers at any office - as long as all offices belongs to the same company.


EurekaLog also grants you access to all previous EurekaLog versions (4, 5 and 6).


See How to buy topic for more information about license's differences.


If you have any questions - just ask us!


See the following table for edition's differences.



Edition's differences








Compiled application will expire and refuse to run after 30 days since its compilation


Source code

Source code's interface sections ("headers")

Full source code (*)

(*) While we offer full source code for EurekaLog itself, source code or scripts for external tools may be not available in general installation. This includes setup/build scripts and a digital certificate. Please also note that some external tools (like EurekaLog Viewer) requires DevExpress suite for recompilation. You don't need DevExpress to use EurekaLog, but you'll need it if you want to recompile some EurekaLog tools by yourself. EurekaLog itself can be recompiled on any IDE without any additional requirements.


Common features





Supported languages & Operating Systems

Delphi versions 3-4 (*), 5-7, 2005-2010, XE, XE2, XE3, XE4, XE5, XE6, XE7, XE8, 10 Seattle, 10.1 Berlin, 10.2 Tokyo, 10.3 Rio, 10.4 Sydney, 11 Alexandria

C++Builder versions 5-6 (**), 2006-2010, XE, XE2, XE3, XE4, XE5, XE6, XE7, XE8, 10 Seattle, 10.1 Berlin, 10.2 Tokyo, 10.3 Rio, 10.4 Sydney, 11 Alexandria (***)

Windows 95, 98, ME, NT (****), 2000, 2003, 2008, 2008 R2, 2012, 2012 R2, 2016, 2019, XP, Vista, 7, 8, 8.1, 10, 11, ReactOS, Wine

Project types: ANY (*****)

(*) Delphi 1 and 2 are not supported. Delphi 3 and 4 are supported by EurekaLog 4, 5 and 6 only. Personal, Turbo, Starter, and Community editions are supported. We compile EurekaLog for latest IDE patches only. Users of unpatched IDE may need additional steps.

(**) C++ Builder 1, 3 and 4 are not supported. C++ Builder 5 and 6 is supported by EurekaLog 6 only.

(***) LLVM/CLang is supported with limitations.

(****) Windows 95, 98, ME and NT are supported by EurekaLog 4, 5 and 6 only. Windows 2000 is supported by EurekaLog 6 without limitations. Windows 2000 is supported by EurekaLog 7, but you will have to install EurekaLog 7 on Windows XP SP3 or newer - because EurekaLog's installer requires support for SHA2 (SHA-256), which is not available in Windows 2000. E.g. you can develop your application on Windows XP (or newer), but still test and deploy on Windows 2000.

(*****) EurekaLog comes with predefined templates "out-of-the-box" for common project's types. Some project types doesn't have predefined settings and require you to setup them manually or to write additional code.



Common features


EurekaLog contains all the features that you need in a bug resolution system:


Detailed bug report about each exception, leak or hang;
Bug report includes call stack with unit names, class names, routine names, and line numbers;
Extensive run-time and environment information is logged into bug report;
RAW dump and disassembly information;
Easy integration, no need to write code;
No additional files needed (no DLLs, no .map files, no .tds files);
Packing and encryption of all information;
No performance loss (unless exception occurs);
Full unicode support;
Win32 and Win64 support;
VCL, CLX, FMX (FireMonkey) support;
Supports any application kind: GUI, CGI, WinCGI, ISAPI, IntraWeb, COM, Multi-Thread, etc.;
Full support for .exe packers and protectors;
Support for modern cutting-edge features (nested exceptiond, Wait Chain Traversal, etc.);
Easy and powerfull customization;
Many helper tools;
Sending bug report to developers (e-mail, HTTP, FTP, bug trackers);
SSL/TLS support for all send methods;
Support for Mantis, FogBugz, BugZilla; More to come...



Full features list


Common info

Delphi versions: 3-4 (EurekaLog 4-6 only); 5-7, 2005-2010, XE-XE8, 10 Seattle, 10.1 Berlin, 10.2 Tokyo, 10.3 Rio, 10.4 Sydney, 11 Alexandria (including Personal, Turbo and Starter editions)
C++Builder versions: 5-6 (EurekaLog 6 only); 2006-2010, XE-XE8, 10 Seattle, 10.1 Berlin, 10.2 Tokyo, 10.3 Rio, 10.4 Sydney, 11 Alexandria (including Turbo and Starter editions, LLVM/CLang)
Project type: any
Windows versions: 95, 98, ME, NT (EurekaLog 4-6 only); 2000, 2003, 2008, 2008 R2, 2012, 2012 R2, 2016, 2019, XP, Vista, 7, 8, 8.1, 10, 11
Other OS: ReactOS, Wine
Frameworks: VCL, CLX, FMX (FireMonkey)
Code size: 400-800 Kb (depends on your settings)
Data size: 1%-12% (depends on your settings)
Performance decrease: 0%-5% (depends on your settings)
Unicode support
ZLib compression
TEA 128-bit data encryption
Full and easy customization
Additional useful tools
Extensive documentation
Lots of demos



Full integration with Delphi/C++Builder/RAD Studio IDEs
F1 context help
Opening source file and positioning text cursor to error line - by double-clicking in error dialogs
Test both dialogs and sending right in project options dialog
Support for searching error location even after source file modifications
Support for __history folder (can show older copy of source)
Tools integration in IDE
Revisited IDE menu, options and dialogs
Pre- and post-build events (can run custom applications)
Command-line compilation support
Unicode support



CHM Help file
Printable PDF manual



Catch any exception (unhandled, handled, safecall, tread, initialization/finalization)
Catch any memory leak
Catch any resource leak
Catch any hang or deadlock
Nested exceptions support
Wait Chain Traversal support
Multi-threading features
Track exception duplicates via BugID value
Can sort error by "popularity" ("count" field in web trackers)
Customizable error dialogs and error web-pages
Exception filters allow customizations without writing code
Environment variables (and pseudo-variables) can be used to create run-time dependent options
Options can be customized in run-time
Events can be used for arbitrary customizations
Custom classes can be used for 3rd party extensions
Restart&Recovery options



VCL Forms
DLLs (both standalone and integrated with EurekaLog-enabled host application)
BPLs (packages)
Control panel applets
Win32 Services
Applications compiled with run-time packages
Support for .exe compressors
Support for .exe protectors
ANY other application kind!


Bug reports

Bug report collects information about exception, application and run-time environment
Bug report can be saved to disk, displayed in dialog or sent to developer
Common information includes info about application, faulted module, system, hardware, user, etc.
Call stacks of any thread
Loaded modules list
Running processes list
Code disassembly
CPU state
Memory and stack dumps
Plain-text, packed or XML formats
Can include screenshots (PNG), last web-page (for web apps.) or arbitrary files
Can include custom data (provided by your code)
Can be packed (ZIP) and encrypted (TEA); Encrypted reports can be decrypted by Viewer tool
Unicode support
Full customization



Type: None (disables error dialog)
Type: RTL (to use default dialog)
Type: Console (writes to console)
Type: MessageBox
Type: MS Classic
Type: EurekaLog
Type: Bug report view (EurekaLog detailed)
Type: "Enter steps to reproduce"
Type: HTML page
Type: System Log
Type: WER (Windows Error Reporting)
Option to enter "step to reproduce" text
Option to specify e-mail
Option to terminate or restart application
Option to send or not send bug report
Option to attach or not attach screenshot
Custom "Help" button
Custom "Support" link
Customizable auto-close
Can use icon and name of host application
Auto-open and auto-position source code file in IDE by double-clicking on call stack items
Unicode and RTL support
Full customization



Type: mailto: protocol
Type: Simple MAPI
Type: MAPI
Type: SMTP Client
Type: SMTP Server
Type: HTTP upload (custom script)
Type: FTP upload
Type: FogBugz
Type: Mantis
Type: BugZilla
Type: JIRA
Type: Exceptionless
Type: GitHub
Type: GitLab
Type: Redmine
Type: YouTrack
Type: WER (Windows Error Reporting)
Compression and encryption
Full SSL/TLS support (SMTP, HTTP, web trackers, WER)
Your code can supply custom web-fields for web trackers and HTTP upload
Can send via multiple methods
Visual feedback during sending
Unicode support
Backward feedback feature: report if bug was fixed, ask for more information (HTTP and web tracker software only)
Full customization


Debug information formats

Type: EurekaLog
Type: .map
Type: Turbo Debugger (TD32/TDS)
Type: DLL exports table (heuristic)
Type: Microsoft DBG
Type: Microsoft PDB
Type: JEDI (.jdbg/JCL)
Type: Synopse mORMot (.mab)
Type: madExcept (experimental)
Auto-downloading system debug information
Fully customizable
Encrypted even with no password
Can be protected by password (encrypted reports can be decrypted by Viewer)



Full support for localization software
No localization tool is required
Translate-function (GetText-style)
Customize text right in project options
Named collections for translated texts
Unicode support



Bug Reports Viewer
Address Lookup
Error Lookup
Threads Snapshot
Executable Modules Analyzer
Standalone Settings Editor



EurekaLog Viewer Tool to view bug reports
Viewer can decrypt encrypted reports
Report printing
Viewer can work as "viewer" or as bug tracker software (collect bug reports into database)
Supports plain-text or FireBird database
Auto-download reports from folder or e-mail account
Can eliminate duplicate bug reports
Shows screenshots inside bug reports
Shows additional files inside bug reports
Shell integration
Support user accounts (for FireBird database only)



Supports generics in your code (debug information)
FastMM compatibility
Shared memory manager compatibility
Support for any 3rd party memory manager (some EurekaLog features may be disabled)
Multi-monitor support (screenshots)
Option to reduce executable file size (remove relocs)
Option to detect executable file changes
Command-line compilation support
FinalBuilder support
Vista and UAC friendly

Send feedback... Build date: 2025-03-17
Last edited: 2023-07-26
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