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...send/upload exception to a file/DB/folder?

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EurekaLog has two types of bug reports:

1. A local bug report. This is a text file (.el) with information about exception. This bug report type is enabled by default, and it is created always on all unhandled exceptions. The default saving location is sub-folder of the %APPDATA% folder.
2. A bug report for sending. It is a collection of files (.elp), such as a copy of local bug report, screenshot and any additional files (opened document, dumps, etc.). This bug report type is disabled by default, and it is created (for sending) only when user clicks "Send report" button in the exception dialog. The file is not stored locally, but it is transmitted to you (the developer) via e-mail, bug tracker or any other send method of your choice.



Exception Info

If you want to just add/save exception info (such as class, message, call stack and may be some other minor details) to an external log file or a database - see How to add/save exception to a log?



Local Bug Report File

If you want to send/upload a local bug report file (.el file) into database/folder - you can use code like this:


  EException, // for TEurekaExceptionInfo
  EEvents;    // for RegisterEventExceptionAction
// Called on all unhandled exceptions
procedure UploadBugReport

 (const ACustom: Pointer; 

  AExceptionInfo: TEurekaExceptionInfo; 

  var AHandle: Boolean; 

  var ACallNextHandler: Boolean);
  LocalBugReportFileName: String;
  // Get current bug report file
  LocalBugReportFileName := AExceptionInfo.ExpandEnvVars(
  // should be something like (by default):
  // %APPDATA% + '\Neos Eureka S.r.l\EurekaLog\Bug Reports\' +
  // 'Project1.exe\Project1.el'
  // Should not trigger
  if not FileExists(LocalBugReportFileName) then
  // Copy/send/upload the file
  // This is just an example
  // Replace it with your own code
    // It is probably a good idea to make file names unique
    // to avoid overwriting old reports
    PChar('D:\NetworkFolder\' + ExtractFileName(LocalBugReportFileName)), False);
  // Instruct EurekaLog to call your code on all unhandled exceptions
  RegisterEventExceptionNotify(nil, UploadBugReport);


Note: this code is called before exception dialog is displayed, so any changes in bug report for future sending (such as user contact e-mail or steps to reproduce) are not in this bug report.



Bug Report File for Sending

If you want to send/upload a bug report file for sending (.elp file) into database/folder - see How to save report instead of sending it?


Note: this code is called only if user clicks on the "Send Bug Report" / "Save Bug Report" button in the exception dialog. See also: How to send report automatically?



See also:

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Last edited: 2023-08-09
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