Processes section of bug report contain list of running processes. This list can be disabled in options.
Note: processes list is automatically disabled for reporting leaks.
Processes Information:
|ID |Name |Description |Version |Memory |Priority|Threads|Path |
|0 |[System Process]| | |0 | |2 | |
|4 |System | | |0 |Normal |100 | |
|320|TSVNCache.exe |TortoiseSVN cache | |11210752|Normal |11 |C:\TortoiseSVN\bin\ |
|364|taskeng.exe |Task Scheduler Engine|6.0.6002.18342|11407360|Normal |11 |C:\Windows\System32\|
|404|svchost.exe | | |0 |Normal |20 | |
|608|Project1.exe | | |0 |Normal |20 |C:\Projects\ |
Example of a processes list (list is shortened)
The list contains the following columns:
• | ID value shows Process ID (PID). PID is unique system value that identifies running process within the system. List is sorted by this column; |
• | Name value shows process name - that is a name of exe file. This value may be not available for some system processes. Please note that name of the process can be available, but full file name (i.e. path and name) and some other values can still be not available; |
• | Description value shows description extracted from version information of host exe for the process (if available). "File description" field is used as source for description. This value is typically missed for system processes, because current process have no access to open system processes for retrieving information; |
• | Version value shows version information of host exe (if available). dwFileVersion field from VS_FIXEDFILEINFO structure is used as source. This value is typically missed for system processes, because current process have no access to open system processes for retrieving information; |
• | Memory value indicate process working set size in bytes. Please note that this value is not virtual memory of the process. This value is typically missed for system processes, because current process have no access to open system processes for retrieving information; |
• | Priority value shows current process priority; |
• | Threads value shows number of running threads inside process; |
• | Path value shows folder which contain host exe. Path and name values form a full file name. This value is typically missed for system processes, because current process have no access to open system processes for retrieving information. |
See also:
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Build date: 2025-02-05
Last edited: 2024-04-05
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