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Exceptionless setup

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This article is part of Managing bug report in issue tracker series.


See managing bug reports in issue tracker for common information. Please, read it first. For common information and setup of Exceptionless itself - please see this article. The text below assumes that you already completed Exceptionless installation.


Below are detailed steps for recommended Exceptionless setup for automatic bug report submission. Before going through setup - make sure to upgrade your Exceptionless to the latest version.


Some steps below are optional, some steps must be executed only once (like account registration), other are executed from time to time (like creating new projects for your new products) and the rest are executed regularly (like marking issues as "fixed").


Full list of necessary actions contains:

1. Creating user accounts (single act)
2. Creating projects and setting it up (single act or per product)
3. EurekaLog setup (per product)
4. Testing (as required)
5. Maintaining project (regularly or from time to time)


Please note that all actions below are just examples. It's recommendation, but it's not necessary to be absolutely like that. You may use another configuration.


Important Note: Exceptionless does not support adding file attaches to crash reports. In other words, EurekaLog file reports and screenshots will not be available.



Creating user accounts

1. Create Exceptionless account:



Creating new user


2. Once logged in - go to your profile settings and configure e-mail notifications:



Setting up e-mail notifications


We recommend to disable e-mail notifications.



Creating projects

1. You will be asked to created your first project immediately after registration:



Creating a new project for bug reports


If you have skipped that dialog for any reason - go to projects administration settings to create new project:



Creating a new project


Once you have created a new project - you will be asked to download Exceptionless client for your project:



Configuring project


Since you will be using EurekaLog to post crash reports to Exceptionless - you can skip this step by clicking on "Go To Dashboard" button. Or you can also click on buttons for notification settings or project settings.


We recommend to click green "Gears" button to go to project options (see step 2 below).


2. Setup project access. Go to project's options:




Adding access to the project


Switch to API Keys tab and add a new API Key:



Creating new API key for EurekaLog


You can enter arbitrary description to indicate that this key will be used by EurekaLog. Copy API Key to paste it into EurekaLog's settings (see below).



EurekaLog setup

1. Enter Exceptionless details into EurekaLog settings of your projects:



Exceptionless settings filled into EurekaLog options


Important Note: use API token created earlier. After you have entered token into EurekaLog's settings - delete token from whatever place it was saved (clipboard, text file, etc.).


If you forgot your token - you can retrieve it from options of Exceptionless project.


2. Set any additional/common send options.


3. Set/fill custom fields. You can add additional information for bug reports in Exceptionless, for example:



  EEvents, ESysInfo;


procedure SetCustomFields(const ACustom: Pointer; AExceptionInfo: TEurekaExceptionInfo; 

  ASender: TObject; AWebFields: TStrings; var ACallNextHandler: Boolean);


  AWebFields.Values['License'] := GetYourApplicationLicense;




  RegisterEventCustomWebFieldsRequest(nil, SetCustomFields);



4. Add any custom data, write necessary event handlers, set exception filters, etc, etc.




1. Test sending. You can do this right in the EurekaLog send options dialog - by clicking on "Test..." button. This will send test bug report.


Suggested actions are:

1. Click on "Test..." button to test sending and creating of a new bug issue in Exceptionless.
2. Resolve any found issues (access denied, wrong values in fields, etc).
3. Once successful and there is new issue in Exceptionless - click on "Test..." button again. This should test updating project.
4. Resolve any found issues (access denied, etc).
5. Once successful - mark existing test issue as "Fixed" in Exceptionless.
6. Click on "Test..." button again. This should test sending old (already fixed) bugs (see: issues workflow). Remember version number that you will specify on this step.
7. Ensure there is no error messages, no problems.
8. Change version of your application to be greater than the version that you have used to mark issue as fixed on step 6.
9. Click on "Test..." button again. This should test issue regression.
10. Delete test issue in Exceptionless after testing.


These actions should test that sending is actually working.


2. Now it's time to test your application-specific sending.


1. Place debug code in your application to raise a test exception and cause a test leak (if you've enabled leaks collecting).
2. Run your application and invoke this test code.
3. Let application crash and process bug (show dialog, send bug report, etc).
4. Ensure that behavior is expected.
5. Ensure that you get all additional information in Exceptionless.
6. Remove test code from your application.


Now your application is ready for deployment.



See also:

Send feedback... Build date: 2025-02-05
Last edited: 2023-08-09
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