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Using HTTP upload to post bugs to FogBugz

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This article is part of Managing bug report in issue tracker series.


FogBugs allows you to submit reports anonymously without using API. This is an alternative method to submit bug reports.


Note: anonymous submitting may be disabled - please, refer to your FogBugz configuration and documentation.


However, FogBugz doesn't allow you to login anonymously via FogBugz API. So, the only choice for anonymous reporting is to submit report directly to web form (web-form for anonymous users is available at this URL: - with user logged off). See FogBugz documentation.


Warning: each sent report will be tracked individually - as new issue in FogBugz. Occurrences field will be 1 always, for all such reports.


Alternatively, you can use BugzScout submission. This way also allows anonymous access, but it also automates merging similar reports. However, file attaches are not supported.


Below are examples for each method.



Web-form for Anonymous/Community users

First, enable anonymous/community users to submit bug reports. Please, refer to your FogBuz documentation.


Second, set up the HTTP upload method:



Typical HTTP upload setup for submitting report anonymously in FogBugz


URL is "" (without quotes).


Third, you need to supply custom fields (it's only an example - use your own values for fields):



  EEvents, ETypes, EConsts, EClasses, ESend, ESendWeb, ESendWebHTTP;


procedure SetCustomFields(const ACustom: Pointer; AExceptionInfo: TEurekaExceptionInfo; 

  ASender: TObject; AWebFields: TStrings; var ACallNextHandler: Boolean);


  function ComposeTitle(const AOptions: TEurekaModuleOptions): String;


    BugAppVersion: String;

    BugType: String;

    BugID: String;


    BugAppVersion := AOptions.CustomField[sifBugAppVersion];

    BugType := AOptions.CustomField[sifBugType];

    BugID := AOptions.CustomField[sifBugID];


    if BugAppVersion <> '' then

      Result := Format('%s (Bug %s; v%s)', [BugType, BugID, BugAppVersion])


      Result := Format('%s (Bug %s)', [BugType, BugID]);



  function ComposeMessage(const AOptions: TEurekaModuleOptions): String;


    TrackerAppendText: Boolean;

    BugText: String;

    ReproduceText: String;



    TrackerAppendText := AOptions.SendFogBugzAppendText;

    BugText := AOptions.CustomField[sifBugText];

    ReproduceText := AOptions.CustomField[sifStepsToReproduce];

    Message := AOptions.CustomField[sifMessage];


    if TrackerAppendText then

      Result := BugText + sLineBreak + sLineBreak + Message


    if ReproduceText <> '' then

      Result := BugText + sLineBreak + sLineBreak + ReproduceText


      Result := BugText;




  Options: TEurekaModuleOptions;

  AttachedFiles: TStringList;


  Options := nil;

  AttachedFiles := TStringList.Create;


    if ASender is TELUniversalSender then


      Options := TELUniversalSender(ASender).Options;




      Options := TEurekaModuleOptions.Create('');


    // hidden fields:

    AWebFields.Values['command'] := 'new';

    AWebFields.Values['honeyInput'] := '';

    AWebFields.Values['honeyTextArea'] := '';

    AWebFields.Values['ixScreenshot'] := '-1';

    AWebFields.Values['dblTimeStamp'] := FloatToStr(Now);

    AWebFields.Values['fPublic'] := '1';

    AWebFields.Values['OK'] := 'OK';


    // fixed fields:

    AWebFields.Values['sTitle'] := ComposeTitle(Options);

    AWebFields.Values['sEvent'] := ComposeMessage(Options);

    AWebFields.Values['sCustomerEmail'] := Options.CustomField[sifUserEMail];

    AWebFields.Values['sVersion'] := Options.CustomField[sifBugAppVersion];

    AWebFields.Values['sComputer'] := Options.CustomField[sifMachineID];

    AWebFields.Values['nFileCount'] := IntToStr(AttachedFiles.Count);

    Options.CustomField[sifHTTPFileNameTemplate] := 'File%d';


    // editable fields - refer to page source (

    AWebFields.Values['ixProject'] := '3';

    AWebFields.Values['ixArea'] := '8';




    if not (ASender is TELUniversalSender) then






  RegisterEventCustomWebFieldsRequest(nil, SetCustomFields);





Note: study submission form's page source to get information on field names and values. Form is available at with user logged off.




First, start with specifying HTTP upload method. It's the same as above, only this time the URL is


Second, you need to supply custom fields (it's only an example - use your own values for fields):



  EEvents, ETypes, EConsts, EClasses, ESend, ESendWeb, ESendWebHTTP;


procedure SetCustomFields(const ACustom: Pointer; const ASender: TObject; const AWebFields: TStrings; var ACallNextHandler: Boolean);


  function ComposeTitle(const AOptions: TEurekaModuleOptions): String;


    BugAppVersion: String;

    BugType: String;

    BugID: String;


    BugAppVersion := AOptions.CustomField[sifBugAppVersion];

    BugType := AOptions.CustomField[sifBugType];

    BugID := AOptions.CustomField[sifBugID];


    if BugAppVersion <> '' then

      Result := Format('%s (Bug %s; v%s)', [BugType, BugID, BugAppVersion])


      Result := Format('%s (Bug %s)', [BugType, BugID]);



  function ComposeMessage(const AOptions: TEurekaModuleOptions): String;


    TrackerAppendText: Boolean;

    BugText: String;

    ReproduceText: String;



    TrackerAppendText := AOptions.SendFogBugzAppendText;

    BugText := AOptions.CustomField[sifBugText];

    ReproduceText := AOptions.CustomField[sifStepsToReproduce];

    Message := AOptions.CustomField[sifMessage];


    if TrackerAppendText then

      Result := BugText + sLineBreak + sLineBreak + Message


    if ReproduceText <> '' then

      Result := BugText + sLineBreak + sLineBreak + ReproduceText


      Result := BugText;




  Options: TEurekaModuleOptions;

  AttachedFiles: TStringList;


  Options := nil;

  AttachedFiles := TStringList.Create;


    if ASender is TELUniversalSender then


      Options := TELUniversalSender(ASender).Options;




      Options := TEurekaModuleOptions.Create('');


    AWebFields.Values['ScoutUserName'] := 'AutoReporter';

    AWebFields.Values['ScoutProject'] := 'Bug reports';

    AWebFields.Values['ScoutArea'] := 'Misc';

    AWebFields.Values['Description'] := ComposeTitle(Options);

    AWebFields.Values['Extra'] := ComposeMessage(Options);

    AWebFields.Values['Email'] := Options.CustomField[sifUserEMail];

    AWebFields.Values['ForceNewBug'] := '0';

    AWebFields.Values['ScoutDefaultMessage'] := 'html Default Message';

    AWebFields.Values['FriendlyResponse'] := '1';



    if not (ASender is TELUniversalSender) then






  RegisterEventCustomWebFieldsRequest(nil, SetCustomFields);





Note: see BugzScout documentation and BugzScout sample to get information on field names.



See also:

Send feedback... Build date: 2025-02-05
Last edited: 2024-04-05
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