Root > How to... > ...get background thread call stack?

...get background thread call stack?

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If you need call stacks of background threads for/during exception's processing - we recommend to use appropriate options. Call stacks of background threads will be available in same .CallStack property of TEurekaExceptionInfo object. CallStack's items from background threads will have a different .ThreadID property. Exception call stack's items always come first.


If you need to create call stack on demand:


  ECallStack, // for EurekaCallStackClass, TEurekaBaseStackList
  EStackTracing, // for TracerRawEurekaLogV7Mask (optional)
  EModules, // for CurrentEurekaLogOptions (optional)
  ETypes; // for ddSourceCode, etc. (optional)
procedure TForm1.Button1Click(Sender: TObject);
  CallStack: TEurekaBaseStackList;
  Suspended: Boolean;
  CallStack := EurekaCallStackClass.Create(nil);
    CallStack.BuildForThread(YourThreadHandle, YourThreadId, 
      // Replace with your thread's handle and ID.
      // Thread handle must have:
      // DO NOT PASS GetCurrentThread and GetCurrentThreadId!!!
      // There is also .BuildForThreadByID method, which does not require thread handle argument.
      nil// first addr
      [ddUnit, ddProcedure, ddSourceCode], // CurrentEurekaLogOptions.csoDebugInfo
      True, // get debug info?
      False, // show begin calls?
      TracerRawEurekaLogV7Mask, // CurrentEurekaLogOptions.csoAllowedRenderMethods
      True, // running thread?
      @Suspended); // will return True if thread was suspended before call stack is taken


Important Note: please note that background thread will continue to run. In other words, its actual call stack may be different from call stack that you have taken.


You may also be interested in RaiseFreezeException routine from EFreeze unit, which will create report for the specified individual thread.



See also:

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Last edited: 2024-06-03
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