First, you have to identify memory or resource leak which you want to ignore. You can identify leak by:
• | Leak type (data, string, array, object, etc.); |
Once leak is identified - you can instruct EurekaLog to ignore this leak. There are few available methods. Not all methods supports all of the features discussed above. This article covers the following options:
Important note: you can not use exception filters to ignore leaks, because leaks checking is performed as last step on shutdown - when all exception filters were already finalized.
See also:
Option 1
Register a known memory leak.
EMemLeaks unit contains EurekaRegisterExpectedMemoryLeak, EurekaRegisterExpectedMemoryLeakDynArray, and EurekaRegisterExpectedMemoryLeakStr routines, which you may use to instruct EurekaLog to ignore leak of known location (variable). For example:
This can only work if you have access to the data which will be leaked.
Important note: be sure to register known leaks as late as possible - preferably on shutdown. This is to avoid cases when leaked variable may change its address due to re-allocating during normal work at run-time.
Option 2
Use event handlers.
EMemLeaks unit uses global MemLeaksAdd procedure (actually declared in ETypes unit), which is assigned to default handler. You may assign your own handler to this variable. Similarly, EResLeaks unit uses ResLeaksAdd routine. For example:
AddLeak: TMemLeaksAdd;
function FilterLeaks(const AMemBlock: Pointer; const ABlockType: TBlockType;
const LeakDescription: String;
const LeakSingleSize, LeakTotalSize, LeakCount: PtrUInt;
const LeakCallStack: TCallStackArray): Boolean;
function IgnoreThisLeak: Boolean;
// This is only an example, replace with your own code
Result := (ABlockType = btObject) and
(TObject(AMemBlock) is TMyObject) and
(LeakSingleSize = 64);
if IgnoreThisLeak then
// Return True if leak was added, False otherwise
Result := False;
// Call default/previous handler to add leak
Result := AddLeak(AMemBlock, ABlockType, LeakDescription,
LeakSingleSize, LeakTotalSize, LeakCount,
AddLeak := MemLeaksAdd;
MemLeaksAdd := FilterLeaks;
See also:
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Build date: 2025-02-05
Last edited: 2023-03-07
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