BugID is a 4-byte unsigned integer (LongWord) which is used to identify exception, for example: 76BA0000. Two exception with the same BugID value are considered to be the same. Two bug reports are considered to be duplicates of each other if they are bug reports about exceptions with the same BugID. BugID is used to establish uniqueness for many EurekaLog features.
BugID is constructed based on options of your project. If you want to customize BugID - try to change EurekaLog project options first.
However, you may also redefine default behavior by any custom code. For example:
1. Append BugID
The code example below will "append" BugID. In other words, it takes default value from EurekaLog and adds additional "restrictions". For example, if you want to make the same exception from two different machines to be different exceptions - you can add/append machine ID to BugID.
EException, // for TEurekaExceptionInfo
EHash, // for GetCRC16
ESysInfo, // for GetComputerName, GetUserName, etc.
EEvents; // for RegisterEventCustomBugID
// Changes BugID for a given exception
procedure DefineCustomBugID(const ACustom: Pointer;
AExceptionInfo: TEurekaExceptionInfo;
var ABugID, ACustomBugID: Word;
var ACallNextHandler: Boolean);
HashSource: String;
// Select sources which will define additional "unique" details
// The code below is just an example, you can use any code you want
HashSource :=
GetComputerName + #1 +
GetUserName + #1 +
GetWindowsPath + #1 +
GetEurekaLogVersion + #1;
ACustomBugID := GetCRC16(HashSource);
// Ask EurekaLog to ask us about BugIDs
RegisterEventCustomBugID(nil, DefineCustomBugID);
// Requires the
// "Allow EurekaLog to use user-defined "custom" low word"
// option to be UNCHECKED
2. Replace BugID
The code example below will replace BugID. In other words, it will discard EurekaLog-defined BugID and use your value. This is useful if you want to completely redefine BugID.
ELowLevel, // for PtrToOffset
EException, // for TEurekaExceptionInfo
EHash, // for GetCRC16
ESysInfo, // for GetComputerName, GetUserName, etc.
EEvents; // for RegisterEventCustomBugID
// Constructs BugID for a given exception
procedure DefineBugID(const ACustom: Pointer;
AExceptionInfo: TEurekaExceptionInfo;
var ABugID, ACustomBugID: Word;
var ACallNextHandler: Boolean);
HashSource: String;
// Select sources which will define additional "unique" details
// The code below is just an example, you can use any code you want
// Please note that the example below establishes most unique ID possible:
// each exception will be unique - due to using "Now".
// There will be no merging at all.
HashSource :=
IntToHex(PtrToOffset(AExceptionInfo.Address), SizeOf(Pointer) * 2) + #1 +
AExceptionInfo.ExceptionMessage + #1 +
GetComputerName + #1 +
GetUserName + #1 +
GetWindowsPath + #1 +
DateTimeToStr(Now) + #1 +
DateTimeToStr(GetCurrentModuleCompilationDate) + #1 +
GetEurekaLogVersion + #1;
ABugID := GetCRC32(HashSource);
ACustomBugID := ABugID;
// Ask EurekaLog to ask us about BugIDs
RegisterEventCustomBugID(nil, DefineBugID);
// Requires the
// "Allow EurekaLog to use user-defined "custom" low word"
// option to be UNCHECKED
See also:
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Build date: 2025-02-05
Last edited: 2023-08-09
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Permanent link to this article: https://www.eurekalog.com/help/eurekalog/how_to_redefine_bug_id.php