Normally you would use a HTML (web) dialog in your ISAPI, CGI, IntraWeb, etc. application. This dialog is intended to display failure to the user in a web browser. It can also be used if your web API uses HTTP status code to determine failures. Web dialog can also work with simple JSON and XML templates. If that is what you want to do - just set up web dialog settings.
Alternatively, you may want to implement your own custom web dialog for any other usage cases. You can do this by overriding a default web dialog class.
1. | Set dialog to "WEB" in your EurekaLog project options; |
2. | Use this customization code: |
EDialog, // for RegisterDialogClassFirst
EEncoding, // for TMarkupLanguage (only if you override a .GetTextType)
EDialogISAPI, // for TWebDialog - you can replace this unit with
// EDialogCGI or EDialogIntraWeb,
// depending on what you are using in your application
ECallStack, // optional, only for example below
EDebugInfo, // optional, only for example below
EJSON; // optional, only for example below
TWebDialog = class(EDialogISAPI.TWebDialog)
// You don't need to override every method
// This is only an example
// Delete method override if you want a default behavior
// Override only if you need to customize
function GetText(const AContentType: String): String; override;
function GetTextType: TMarkupLanguage; override;
function GetWebErrorCode: Integer; override;
function GetContentType: String; override;
function GetHeaders(const AContentType: String;
const ARawTextLen, ATextLen: Integer): RawByteString; override;
{ TWebDialog }
// Returns actual page content
function TWebDialog.GetText(const AContentType: String): String;
// This is just an example
// You may remove it if you don't need it
function CallStack2JSONArray: Variant;
Stack: TEurekaBaseStackList;
TID: Cardinal;
Arr: array of String;
X, C: Integer;
Stack := CallStack;
Result := Unassigned;
if (Stack = nil) or (Stack.Count = 0) then
// Copy into Arr first call stack from Stack
// First call stack is the call stack for exception
TID := Stack.Item[0].ThreadID;
SetLength(Arr, Stack.Count);
C := 0;
for X := 0 to Stack.Count - 1 do
if Stack.Item[X].ThreadID <> TID then
Arr[C] := LocationToStr(Stack.Item[X].Location);
SetLength(Arr, C);
// Once Arr is ready - convert it to variant array
Result := VarArrayCreate([0, C - 1], varString);
for X := 0 to C - 1 do
Result[X] := Arr[X];
// FixNames/FixValues are for compatibility with very old compilers,
// you may remove these wrappers for almost all IDEs
Result := JSON(
FixNames(['error', 'class', 'message', 'id', 'callstack']),
FixValues([1, ExceptionInfo.ExceptionClass, ExceptionMessage, ExceptionInfo.BugIDStr,
// Alternatively, you may do:
// Result := Options.HTMLLayout;
// and make StringReplace for tags, replacing tags with actual info values
// This value is mostly used to extract codepage
// from hard-coded tags inside page content
// returned by .GetText method.
function TWebDialog.GetTextType: TMarkupLanguage;
Result := mlJSON;
// Default is mlHTML, also possible mlXML
// Returns HTTP status code
function TWebDialog.GetWebErrorCode: Integer;
Result := 200;
// Alternative common value is 500
// Default is Result := Options.WebErrorCode;
// Returns HTTP Context Type
function TWebDialog.GetContentType: String;
Result := 'application/json';
// Default is similar to 'text/html; charset=UTF-8'
// Returns HTTP headers
function TWebDialog.GetHeaders(const AContentType: String;
const ARawTextLen, ATextLen: Integer): RawByteString;
Result := AnsiString(Format(
'Status: %d %s'#13#10 +
'Content-Type: %s'#13#10 +
'Content-Length: %d'#13#10#13#10,
[WebErrorCode, ExceptionInfo.ExceptionMessage, AContentType, ARawTextLen]));
RegisterDialogClassFirst(TWebDialog); // override default web dialog with our custom dialog
This code will replace default web dialog with your own implementation. You can do anything you like in your own code.
See also:
• | WEB dialog for general description of web dialog's type |
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Build date: 2025-02-05
Last edited: 2023-08-09
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