Root > Solving bugs in your code > Managing bug reports in issue tracker > Bug trackers setup > Jira/BitBucket setup > Using HTTP upload

Using HTTP upload to post bugs to Jira

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This article is part of Managing bug report in issue tracker series.


Jira allows you to submit reports anonymously without using API. This is an alternative method to submit bug reports. It is called Issue Collector in Jira. Issue collectors are available for both Jira bug tracker ("just Jira", "Jira Software") as well as Jira Service Desk ("Jira Service Management").


Note: anonymous submitting may be disabled - please, refer to your Jira configuration and documentation.


Warning: each sent report will be tracked individually - as new issue in Jira.


Below are examples for setting up anonymous HTTP upload for Jira.



Creating Issue Collector

1. Open properties/settings of your project in Jira;
2. Find "Issue collectors" item in project settings' menu;
3. Click on "Add issue collector":



4. Enter arbitrary name and description;
5. Set the "Issue Type" option to "Bug" (or "Incident", or "Problem");
6. Set the "Reporter" option to any account. This account will be used by default to create new bugs;
7. [Optionally] Check the "Attempt to match submitter email address" option;
8. Disable the "Collects the environment data of the user" option;
9. Set the "Trigger" option to "Custom";
10. Set the "Issue collector form" option to "Custom" and select at least "Description" and "Attach file". Optionally check "Components", "Environment", and "Affects versions". You may also check additional fields if you think you can supply values for these fields (see below);
11. Click the "Submit" button to create new issue collector.



New Issue Collector was created


12. Copy the provided HTML code for embedding;
13. Create new empty text file;
14. Paste the following text:



-- place the copied HTML code here --





  value="Test Submit Bug">



15. Save text file as Test.html anywhere;
16. Double-click on the saved Test.html file to open it in a web browser;
17. You should see a single "Test Submit Bug" button. Click on it:



Testing Bug Submission Form



Inspecting the Web-Form

Right click on any element in the form and select "Inspect" or "View Source" command from the popup menu of your web browser;


The form that you see should be loaded as a nested frame inside:


<iframe id="atlwdg-frame" scrolling="no" frameborder="0" 


Ignore content of the Test.html file (including the mentioned tag), find the nested frame and work with it.


The frame should have a <form> tag like this:


<form id="jic-collector-form" class="aui " 



Copy an URL for the "action" property. This URL will be used as a value for the "URL" property of the "HTTP upload" settings in EurekaLog. Also, copy / remember the ID for the collector.


Scroll down the form and find these tags:


<input type="hidden" title="projectKey" value="your-project-key">
<input type="hidden" title="issueType" value="your-issue-id">

<input type="hidden" title="collectorId" value="your-collector-id">

<input type="hidden" name="pid" value="your-project-id">

<select class="select hidden multi-select-select" 
  id="components" multiple="multiple" 
  style="display: none;">
  <option title="Your-Component-1 " value="Your-Component-1-ID">
  <option title="Your-Component-2 " value="Your-Component-2-ID">
<select class="select  hidden  multi-select-select" 
  data-input-text=" " 
  style="display: none;">
  <optgroup label="Released Versions">
    <option value="Your-Version-1-ID">
    <option value="Your-Version-2-ID">
  <optgroup label="Unreleased Versions">
    <option value="Your-Version-3-ID">
    <option value="Your-Version-4-ID">


Tags for components and versions will not be shown if you did not select the corresponding options when creating issue collector.


Save or write down all IDs. These will be used later (see below).



Setting up the HTTP Upload method

First, start with specifying HTTP upload method:



Typical HTTP upload setup for submitting report anonymously in Jira


Paste the URL that you have retrieved on the previous step while inspecting HTML for the web form.


Additionally, specify HTTP headers:



Content-Type: application/x-www-form-urlencoded;charset=utf-8

Accept: text/html,application/xhtml+xml,application/xml;q=0.9,*/*;q=0.8,application/signed-exchange;v=b3;q=0.9

Sec-Fetch-Site: same-origin

Sec-Fetch-Mode: navigate

Sec-Fetch-User: ?1

Sec-Fetch-Dest: iframe



Alternatively, you may set up these options at run-time:


  ESend, ESendWebHTTP, EModules, EConsts, ETypes;

  GCollectorID = 'your-collector-id';
  GAccountID   = 'your-account';
  // Set up HTTP options
  CurrentEurekaLogOptions.SendHTTPURL := GAccountID + 

    '' + GCollectorID;
  CurrentEurekaLogOptions.SendHTTPPort := 443;
  CurrentEurekaLogOptions.SendHTTPSSL := True;
  CurrentEurekaLogOptions.SendHTTPHeaders :=
    'Origin: https://' + GAccountID + '' + sLineBreak +
    'Content-Type: application/x-www-form-urlencoded;charset=utf-8' + sLineBreak +
    'Accept: text/html,application/xhtml+xml,application/xml;q=0.9,' +

    '*/*;q=0.8,application/signed-exchange;v=b3;q=0.9' + sLineBreak +
    'Sec-Fetch-Site: same-origin' + sLineBreak +
    'Sec-Fetch-Mode: navigate' + sLineBreak +
    'Sec-Fetch-User: ?1' + sLineBreak +
    'Sec-Fetch-Dest: iframe' + sLineBreak +
    'Referer: https://' + GAccountID + 

    '' + GCollectorID +

  // Register sender (if not already registered)
  if Pos(TELHTTPSender.ClassName, CurrentEurekaLogOptions.SenderClasses) <= 0 then
    CurrentEurekaLogOptions.AddSenderClass(TELHTTPSender.ClassName, 0);


You can also add fixed HTTP fields. In other words, fields that will not change at run-time:












(versions and components are optional fields)


This is only an example. Actual field names and values depend on your actual Jira collector's code. Please, study source code of your bug submission HTML form to learn which fields should be included.


Alternatively, you may set up these options at run-time - see below.



Setting up POST data

Second, you need to supply custom fields. Use OnCustomWebFieldsRequest event handler:


  Registry, EEvents, ETypes, EConsts, EClasses, ESend, ESendWeb, 
  ESendWebHTTP, ESysInfo, EWebTools, EEncoding, EFileMemory, EJSON;

  GCollectorID = 'your-collector-id';
  GAccountID   = 'your-account';
  GPID         = 'your-project-id';

  GProjectKey  = 'your-project-key';

  GIssueID     = 'your-issue-id';

  GVersionID   = 'your-version-id';

  GComponentID = 'your-component-id';

// Defines HTTP fields for web-form
procedure SetCustomFields(const ACustom: Pointer; AExceptionInfo: TEurekaExceptionInfo;
  ASender: TObject; AWebFields: TStrings; var ACallNextHandler: Boolean);
  function ComposeTitle(const AOptions: TEurekaModuleOptions): String;
    BugAppVersion: String;
    BugType: String;
    BugID: String;
    BugAppVersion := AOptions.CustomField[sifBugAppVersion];
    BugType := AOptions.CustomField[sifBugType];
    BugID := AOptions.CustomField[sifBugID];
    if BugAppVersion <> '' then
      Result := Format('%s (Bug %s; v%s)', [BugType, BugID, BugAppVersion])
      Result := Format('%s (Bug %s)', [BugType, BugID]);
  function ComposeMessage(const AOptions: TEurekaModuleOptions): String;
    BugText: String;
    ReproduceText: String;
    BugText := AOptions.CustomField[sifBugText];
    ReproduceText := AOptions.CustomField[sifStepsToReproduce];
    if ReproduceText <> '' then
      Result := BugText + sLineBreak + sLineBreak + ReproduceText
      Result := BugText;
  Options: TEurekaModuleOptions;
  AttachedFiles: TStringList;
  Token: String;
  Token := GetCollectorToken(ASender);
  Options := nil;
  AttachedFiles := TStringList.Create;
    if ASender is TELUniversalSender then
      Options := TELUniversalSender(ASender).Options;
      Options := TEurekaModuleOptions.Create('');
    // security field:
    AWebFields.Values['atl_token']  := Token;

    // hidden fields:
    AWebFields.Values['screenshot'] := '';
    AWebFields.Values['_tricky_']   := '';
    AWebFields.Values['webInfo']    := '';
    // dynamic fields:
    AWebFields.Values['summary'] := ComposeTitle(Options);
    AWebFields.Values['description'] := ComposeMessage(Options);
    AWebFields.Values['fullname'] := GetUserFullName;
    AWebFields.Values['email'] := Options.CustomField[sifUserEMail];
    AWebFields.Values['environment'] := 

      Format('Computer: %s' + sLineBreak + 

             'OS: %s' + sLineBreak + 

             'Build: %s'



    AWebFields.Values['filetoconvert'] := 

      UploadFilesForJiraCollector(ASender, AttachedFiles, Token);
    // editable fields - refer to page's source

    // this is only an example!

    // remove any field that you have already entered in 

    // HTTP upload's options
    AWebFields.Values['projectKey']  := GProjectKey;
    AWebFields.Values['issueType']   := GIssueID;
    AWebFields.Values['pid']         := GPID;
    AWebFields.Values['collectorId'] := GCollectorID;
    AWebFields.Values['versions']    := GVersionID;   // optional
    AWebFields.Values['components']  := GComponentID; // optional
    if not (ASender is TELUniversalSender) then
  // Define HTML content
  RegisterEventCustomWebFieldsRequest(nil, SetCustomFields);


Note: study submission form's page source to get information on field names and values. The code above is just an example!



Retrieving Security Token

Use this function:


// Retrieves random generated 'atlassian.xsrf.token' cookie
function GetCollectorToken(const ASender: TObject): String;
  function Query(const AConnect: HINTERNET): String;
    function OpenRequest(const AConnect: HINTERNET): HINTERNET;
      Headers = 'Accept: text/html,application/xhtml+xml,' +

                'application/xml;q=0.9,*/*;q=0.8,' +

                'application/signed-exchange;v=b3;q=0.9' + sLineBreak +
                'Sec-Fetch-Site: cross-site' + sLineBreak +        
                'Sec-Fetch-Mode: navigate' + sLineBreak +          
                'Sec-Fetch-Dest: iframe' + sLineBreak;             
      dwOpenRequestFlags, dwBuffLen, dwFlags: DWord;
      bResult: Boolean;
      dwOpenRequestFlags := (
        // SSL Settings:
      Result := HttpOpenRequest(AConnect, 'GET'

        '/rest/collectors/1.0/template/form/' + GCollectorID + 
        '?os_authType=none'nilnilnil, dwOpenRequestFlags, nil);
      CheckWinInetError(Result = nil);
      // SSL options:
      dwBuffLen := SizeOf(dwFlags);
      InternetQueryOption(Result, INTERNET_OPTION_SECURITY_FLAGS, @dwFlags, dwBuffLen);
      dwFlags := (dwFlags or SECURITY_FLAG_IGNORE_UNKNOWN_CA);
      InternetSetOption(Result, INTERNET_OPTION_SECURITY_FLAGS, @dwFlags, SizeOf(dwFlags));
      // Remove old headers
      HttpAddRequestHeaders(Result, 'Accept: ' + sLineBreak + 'Content-Type: ' + sLineBreak, 
      // Add new headers
      bResult := HttpAddRequestHeaders(Result, PChar(Headers), DWord(-1), HTTP_ADDREQ_FLAG_ADD);
      CheckWinInetError(not bResult);
    procedure SendRequestBody(const ARequest: HINTERNET);
      bResult: Boolean;
      FillChar(BufferIn, SizeOf(BufferIn), 0);
      BufferIn.dwStructSize := SizeOf(INTERNET_BUFFERS);
      BufferIn.dwBufferTotal := 0;
      bResult := HttpSendRequestEx(ARequest, @BufferIn, nil, 0, 0);
      CheckWinInetError(not bResult);
      HttpEndRequest(ARequest, nil, 0, 0);
    function ReadResponse(const ARequest: HINTERNET): String;
      Sz: Cardinal;
      Ind: Cardinal;
      ErrCode: TSysErrorCode;
      Buffer: String;
      Cookies: TStringList;
      Sz := SizeOf(ErrCode);
      ErrCode := TSysErrorCode(0);
      Ind := 0;
         @ErrCode, Sz, Ind) and
         (ErrCode div 100 <> 2) then
        raise EHTTPError.Create(0, Cardinal(ErrCode), ReadErrorMessage(ARequest, ErrCode));
      Sz := 1024;
      SetLength(Buffer, Sz);
      ErrCode := TSysErrorCode(0);
      Ind := 0;
      if HttpQueryInfo(ARequest, HTTP_QUERY_SET_COOKIE, Pointer(Buffer), Sz, Ind) then
        SetLength(Buffer, Sz div SizeOf(Char))
      Cookies := TStringList.Create;
        Cookies.Text := Buffer;
        Result := Trim(Cookies.Values['atlassian.xsrf.token']); 
        if Pos(';', Result) > 0 then
          SetLength(Result, Pos(';', Result) - 1);
          Result := Trim(Result);
    procedure CloseRequest(var ARequest: HINTERNET);
      if Assigned(ARequest) then
        ARequest := nil;
    Request: HINTERNET;
    Request := OpenRequest(AConnect);
      Result := ReadResponse(Request);
  Internet, Connect: HINTERNET;
  UserAgent: String;
  if not InitWebTools then
    Result := '';
    if ASender is ESendWeb.TELWebSender then
      UserAgent := TELWebSender(ASender).UserAgent
      UserAgent := EUserAgent;
    Internet := InternetOpen(PChar(UserAgent), INTERNET_OPEN_TYPE_PRECONFIG, nilnil, 0);
    CheckWinInetError(Internet = nil);
      Connect := InternetConnect(Internet, GAccountID + ''
        443, nilnil, INTERNET_SERVICE_HTTP, 
      CheckWinInetError(Connect = nil);
        Result := Query(Connect);



Uploading Bug Report file

Use this function:


// Uploads file to the collector
function UploadFilesForJiraCollector(const ASender: TObject; 

  const AAttachedFiles: TStrings; const AToken: String): String;
  function Query(const AConnect: HINTERNET; const AFile, AToken: String): String;
    FS: TMemoryMappedStream;
    function OpenRequest(const AConnect: HINTERNET; 

      const AFile, AToken: String): HINTERNET;
      DefHeaders = 'Accept: */*' + sLineBreak +                      
                   'Sec-Fetch-Site: same-origin' + sLineBreak +      
                   'Sec-Fetch-Mode: cors' + sLineBreak +             
                   'Sec-Fetch-Dest: empty' + sLineBreak +            
                   'Referer: https://' + GAccountID + 

                   '' + 

                   GCollectorID + '?os_authType=none' + sLineBreak; 
      dwOpenRequestFlags, dwBuffLen, dwFlags: DWord;
      Headers, Ext: String;
      Reg: TRegistry;
      ContentType: String;
      bResult: Boolean;
      dwOpenRequestFlags := (
        // SSL Settings:
      Ext := AnsiLowerCase(ExtractFileExt(AFile));
      if Ext = '.el' then
        ContentType := 'text/plain'
      if Ext = '.elf' then
        ContentType := 'text/plain'
      if Ext = '.elp' then
        ContentType := 'application/zip'
      if Ext = '.elx' then
        ContentType := 'text/xml'
      if Ext = '.elj' then
        ContentType := 'application/json'
        Reg := TRegistry.Create;
          Reg.RootKey := HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT;
          if Reg.OpenKey('\' + Ext, False) then
            ContentType := Trim(Reg.ReadString('Content Type'))
            ContentType := '';
          if ContentType = '' then
            ContentType := 'application/octet-stream';
      Headers := DefHeaders + 'Content-Type: ' + ContentType + sLineBreak;
      Result := HttpOpenRequest(AConnect, 'POST',
        PChar(Format('/rest/collectors/1.0/tempattachment/' + GCollectorID + 
          '?filename=%s&size=%d&atl_token=%s&formToken=null&projectId=' + GPID,
        [URLEncode(ExtractFileName(AFile)), FS.Size, AToken])), 

         nilnilnil, dwOpenRequestFlags, nil); 
      CheckWinInetError(Result = nil);
      // SSL options:
      dwBuffLen := SizeOf(dwFlags);
      InternetQueryOption(Result, INTERNET_OPTION_SECURITY_FLAGS, @dwFlags, dwBuffLen);
      dwFlags := (dwFlags or SECURITY_FLAG_IGNORE_UNKNOWN_CA);
      InternetSetOption(Result, INTERNET_OPTION_SECURITY_FLAGS, @dwFlags, SizeOf(dwFlags));
      // Remove old headers
      HttpAddRequestHeaders(Result, 'Accept: ' + sLineBreak + 'Content-Type: ' + sLineBreak, 
      // Add new headers
      bResult := HttpAddRequestHeaders(Result, PChar(Headers), DWord(-1), HTTP_ADDREQ_FLAG_ADD);
      CheckWinInetError(not bResult);
    procedure SendRequestBody(const ARequest: HINTERNET);
      TotalSize: Integer;
      dwBytesWritten: Cardinal;
      bResult: Boolean;
      TotalSize := FS.Size;
      FillChar(BufferIn, SizeOf(BufferIn), 0);
      BufferIn.dwStructSize := SizeOf(INTERNET_BUFFERS);
      BufferIn.dwBufferTotal := TotalSize;
      bResult := HttpSendRequestEx(ARequest, @BufferIn, nil, 0, 0);
      CheckWinInetError(not bResult);
        if TotalSize > 0 then
          bResult := InternetWriteFile(ARequest, FS.Memory, Cardinal(TotalSize), dwBytesWritten);
          CheckWinInetError(not bResult);
        HttpEndRequest(ARequest, nil, 0, 0);
    function ReadResponse(const ARequest: HINTERNET): String;
      ERROR_INTERNET_TIMEOUT                = 12002;
      Read: Cardinal;
      Data, Buf: RawByteString;
      Sz: Cardinal;
      Ind: Cardinal;
      ErrCode, SavedErrCode: TSysErrorCode;
      bResult: Boolean;
      Read := 10240;
      Sz := SizeOf(Read);
      Ind := 0;
                @Read, Sz, Ind)) or (Read = 0) then
        SavedErrCode := GetLastError;
        if SavedErrCode = TSysErrorCode(12150) { Header Not Found } then
          // "Transfer-encoding: chunked"
          Read := 10240;
          Sz := SizeOf(ErrCode);
          ErrCode := TSysErrorCode(0);
          Ind := 0;
          if not HttpQueryInfo(ARequest, HTTP_QUERY_FLAG_NUMBER or HTTP_QUERY_STATUS_CODE, 
                   @ErrCode, Sz, Ind) then
          if ErrCode div 100 <> 2 then
            raise EHTTPError.Create(0, Cardinal(ErrCode), ReadErrorMessage(ARequest, ErrCode))
            Result := '';
      SetLength(Buf, Read);
      Data := '';
        Read := 0;
        bResult := InternetReadFile(ARequest, Pointer(Buf), Length(Buf), Read);
        CheckWinInetError(not bResult);
        if Read > 0 then
          Data := Data + Copy(Buf, 1, Read);
      until Read = 0;
      if Data = '' then
        Sz := SizeOf(ErrCode);
        ErrCode := TSysErrorCode(0);
        Ind := 0;
           @ErrCode, Sz, Ind) and
           (ErrCode div 100 <> 2) then
          raise EHTTPError.Create(0, Cardinal(ErrCode), ReadErrorMessage(ARequest, ErrCode));
      Result := UTF8ToString(Data);
    procedure CloseRequest(var ARequest: HINTERNET);
      if Assigned(ARequest) then
        ARequest := nil;
    Request: HINTERNET;
    JSON: IJSONValues;
    FS := TMemoryMappedStream.Create(AFile, GENERIC_READ);
      Request := OpenRequest(AConnect, AFile, AToken);
        JSON := JSONCreate(ReadResponse(Request));
        Result := JSON['id'];
  Internet, Connect: HINTERNET;
  UserAgent: String;
  if (AAttachedFiles = nilor
     (AAttachedFiles.Count = 0) or
     (not FileExists(AAttachedFiles[0])) or
     (not InitWebTools) then
    Result := '';
    if ASender is ESendWeb.TELWebSender then
      UserAgent := TELWebSender(ASender).UserAgent
      UserAgent := EUserAgent;
    Internet := InternetOpen(PChar(UserAgent), INTERNET_OPEN_TYPE_PRECONFIG, nilnil, 0);
    CheckWinInetError(Internet = nil);
      Connect := InternetConnect(Internet, GAccountID + ''
        443, nilnil, INTERNET_SERVICE_HTTP, 
      CheckWinInetError(Connect = nil);
        Result := Query(Connect, AAttachedFiles[0], AToken);



Other helpers routines

procedure CheckWinInetError(const AError: Boolean);
  ErrorCode: TSysErrorCode;
  ErrorMessage: String;
  if AError then
    ErrorCode := GetLastError;
    ErrorMessage := FindWinINetErrorMessage(Cardinal(ErrorCode));
    if ErrorMessage = '' then
      ErrorMessage := SysErrorMessage(ErrorCode);
    raise EWinInetError.Create(0, Cardinal(ErrorCode), ErrorMessage);
function ReadErrorMessage(const ARequest: HINTERNET; const ErrCode: TSysErrorCode): String;
  Sz: Cardinal;
  Ind: Cardinal;
  Headers: String;
  Str: TStringList;
  X: Integer;
  Sz := 10240;
  SetLength(Result, Sz div SizeOf(Char));
  Ind := 0;
  if HttpQueryInfo(ARequest, HTTP_QUERY_STATUS_TEXT, Pointer(Result), Sz, Ind) then
    SetLength(Result, Sz div SizeOf(Char));
    Result := Trim(Result);
    Result := '';
  if (ErrCode = TSysErrorCode(301)) or (ErrCode = TSysErrorCode(302)) then
    Sz := 10240;
    SetLength(Headers, Sz div SizeOf(Char));
    Ind := 0;
    if HttpQueryInfo(ARequest, HTTP_QUERY_RAW_HEADERS_CRLF, Pointer(Headers), Sz, Ind) then
      SetLength(Headers, Sz div SizeOf(Char));
      Headers := Trim(Headers);
      Str := TStringList.Create;
        Str.Text := AnsiLowerCase(StringReplace(Headers, ': ''=', [rfReplaceAll])); // Do Not Localize
        for X := 0 to Str.Count - 1 do
          if Str.Names[X] = 'location' then // Do Not Localize
            Result := Trim(Result + sLineBreak + Str.ValueFromIndex[X]);
  if Result = '' then
    Result := HTTPErrorMessage(Cardinal(ErrCode))
    Result := HTTPErrorMessage(Cardinal(ErrCode), Result);



See also:

Send feedback... Build date: 2025-02-05
Last edited: 2023-08-09
The documentation team uses the feedback submitted to improve the EurekaLog documentation. We do not use your e-mail address for any other purpose. We will remove your e-mail address from our system after the issue you are reporting has been resolved. While we are working to resolve this issue, we may send you an e-mail message to request more information about your feedback. After the issues have been addressed, we may send you an email message to let you know that your feedback has been addressed.

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