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Localization page

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This is "Localization" page in EurekaLog project's options.



Localization options


This page allows you to translate EurekaLog to another language.


1. "Messages". The list of messages can be used to select individual message text.



2. "Text". Once line is selected - you can edit text in memo control.



3. "Collection" option can be used to save localized texts into a file, which can be used later or copied to another machine.


To load message texts from existing file - select it from "Collection" combobox. "Default" position will revert all texts to default (English). "Custom" position is selected automatically when you edit existing collection:

When "Collection" option shows "Custom" - all localized texts will be saved to your settings.
When "Collection" option shows any other value - localized texts are not saved to your project settings. Instead a collection name will be saved. Please note that your machine must have corresponding .etf file. Otherwise collection will be reset to "Default".


Click on "Save as" button to save collection of message texts into a new or existing .etf file. Existing collection file will be overwritten. Simply enter a name: do not specify file extension or any special characters - such as:

\ / : * ? " < > | . , ;

Alternatively, you can also specify a full file name (with .etf extension) to save collection to a different folder. You can use %_IDESrc% environment variable to specify paths relative to your project's folder. For example:


This will save collection into "Localizations" sub-folder of your project.


Important Note: any already saved localized texts in your project's settings are ignored - unless "Collection" option is set to "Custom" or collection's file could not be found.



Use these options to translate EurekaLog's messages to another language. You can use these options if you do not use any localization software. However, if you're using some sort of localization solution - then you should switch this to "Default" and use your localization software (such as ITE, TsiLang, dxGetText, etc.).


All message texts in EurekaLog come through this path:


resourcestring -> OnTranslate -> Options -> UI


1. Any message text starts as string in resources section of executable. You can change these lines with translation software tool, which is able to work with resource (such as ITE, TsiLang, etc.).
2. Then each text is passed to OnTranslate event (EStrConsts unit). You can assign your own handler to translate texts. Use this event for translation software which supports GetText-like function (such as dxGetText).
3. Then each text is passed to module options, where it can be overridden by localization options (set on "Localization" tab in EurekaLog project options). You can also alter it at run-time via indexed .CustomizedTexts property.
4. Final result is displayed in UI.


Note: "Right-To-Left" value under "Dialogs (common)" section defines Left-To-Right or Right-To-Left layout for all EurekaLog run-time dialogs. Value of 0 indicate left-to-right layout (default), value of 1 indicate right-to-left layout used in some middle eastern languages. This option can also be altered at design-time via Dialogs page (for example). This option can also be altered at run-time by changing CurrentEurekaLogOptions.CustomizedTexts[mtRTLDialog].

Send feedback... Build date: 2025-02-05
Last edited: 2023-03-07
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