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Manage tool command line arguments

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The EurekaLog's Manage tool (\Bin\ManageProfiles.exe) can be found at "Start" / "Programs" / "EurekaLog" / "Manage EurekaLog in IDEs". It is used to register or unregister EurekaLog in each installed IDE, as well as check current installation status. It is also used to install EurekaLog for non-admin users.


Important Notes:

When running Manage tool from command line - be sure to use elevated command line when possible. Some actions (such as copying run-time packages into \Windows\System32\ folder) can only be performed when running under an administrator account.
Be sure to close all running IDEs before executing/starting the Manage tool.
Since the Manage tool is not a command-line application - you may want to use START command with the /WAIT command line switch to wait for Manage tool to exit. See examples below.


The Manage tool accepts the following command line arguments:



1. /Register

Registers EurekaLog into IDE.


You can optionally specify exact IDE version for registration. If no IDE version is specified - EurekaLog will be registered in all available IDEs, otherwise EurekaLog will be registered only for the specified IDE versions.


IDE version should be specified as integer number from this table. For example, 7 means "Delphi 7", 15 means "RAD Studio XE", 27 means "RAD Studio 10.4 Sydney" and so on.


You can supply multiple IDE versions separating them with comma (","). See examples below.


You can use additional /Disable-Dialogs, /Developer, /Without-Expert arguments to alter behavior of this command. See below.



2. /Unregister

Removes EurekaLog from IDE.


You can optionally specify exact IDE version for registration. If no IDE version is specified - EurekaLog will be registered in all available IDEs, otherwise EurekaLog will be registered only for the specified IDE versions.


IDE version should be specified as integer number from this table. For example, 7 means "Delphi 7", 15 means "RAD Studio XE", 27 means "RAD Studio 10.4 Sydney" and so on.


You can supply multiple IDE versions separating them with comma (","). See examples below.


You can use additional /disable-dialogs argument to suppress success/failure message.



3. /Disable-Dialogs

Suppresses visual dialogs and message boxes. Exit code will be set regardless of this option (0 for success, non-zero for failure).



4. /Developer

Tells the Manage tool to perform a developer installation instead of the usual one. Developer installation registers EurekaLog's *.pas files instead of precompiled *.dcu files.


This switch is ignored if the /Register switch is not used.



5. /Without-Expert

Tells the Manage tool to skip installation of EurekaLog's IDE expert/wizard.


This switch is ignored if the /Register switch is not used.




ManageProfiles.exe /Register


Registers EurekaLog in all available IDEs.



start /wait ManageProfiles.exe /Register


Registers EurekaLog in all available IDEs, and wait for it to complete.



ManageProfiles.exe /Unregister


Removes EurekaLog from all available IDEs.



ManageProfiles.exe /Register=7 /Without-Expert /Developer


Registers EurekaLog for development in Delphi 7 without IDE wizard installed.



ManageProfiles.exe /Register=15,27


Registers EurekaLog for Delphi XE and Delphi 10.4 Sydney.



ManageProfiles.exe /Unregister=5,6,7,9,10 /Disable-Dialogs


Silently removes EurekaLog from Delphi 5-7, BDS 2005-2006.



See also:

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