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.map file

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MAP file provider allows your application to extract information from .map files.


.map files are text human-readable files which are generated by IDE linker during project compilation and linking process. .map files contains debug information about compiled module in clear text form. .map files contains segments information, units, class, routine names and line numbers. Level of detalization for .map files is set in project options.


Use .map files when you want to use other debug tools which can understand .map files, but do not understand EurekaLog debug information format. Consider using EurekaLog debug format instead of .map files. .map files are large (often they are larger than executable itself). They are text files, so parsing is required - which is slow. There is no protection, no packing, no encryption.


You'll need to distribute .map files with your application.



It's highly recommended to convert .map files to EurekaLog debug format. You are able to do such conversion without DLL recompilation as explained in this article.
.map files do not have a strict format. .map files are defined as "human-readable plain text files in free form that indicate the relative offsets of functions for a given version of a compiled binary". EurekaLog is able to parse .map files produced by Delphi and C++ Builder linkers. EurekaLog is not able to parse .map files produced by other compilers/linkers/tools.



See also:

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Last edited: 2023-03-07
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