Caution: this is old EurekaLog 6 documentation. This is not the latest version.
EurekaLog includes a procedure called CallStackToStrings, that enables you to obtain a textual representation of a call-stack.
This procedure is usefully to work with all the EurekaLog routines able to returns a call-stack type (TEurekaStackList).
Syntax of this procedure is as follows:
procedure CallStackToStrings(CallStack: TEurekaStackList; Strings: TStrings);
Note: The text output format is full compatible with the EurekaLog log-file (.ELF) call-stack format.
uses ExceptionLog; // The required unit...
var CallStackList: TStringList; CallStack: TEurekaStackList; begin CallStackList := TStringList.Create; try CallStack := GetCurrentCallStack; try CallStackToStrings(CallStack, CallStackList); // ... // Use the CallStackList here... // ... finally CallStack.Free; end; finally CallStackList.Free; end; end;