Common features
Supported languages & Operating Systems
Delphi versions
C++Builder versions
Windows 95/98/ME/NT/2000/XP/2003/Vista/7

Compiled file & Debug data
Kbytes added
Overall increase
Decrease in Application's performance without memory leaks detection
Decrease in Application's performance with memory leaks detection (% min - max)
128 bit debug data encryption (to protect against crackers)

IDE & Compiler
Full integration with Delphi/C++Builder IDE

Help integrated in IDE

Automatic search of error lines in modified sources
(guarantee error individuation in sources modified after the delivery)

New Design-Time exception management (for debug packages at design-time)

Save on IDE crashes (allows saving modified files after unrecoverable IDE crashes)

EurekaLog Viewer full integrated with the Delphi/C++Builder IDE

The new EurekaLog Viewer is more similar to a stand alone BUG tracking tool NEW

Full revisited EurekaLog Options form NEW

New "IDE/Tools/EurekaLog IDE Settings" form NEW

Run custom programs before and after every project build NEW

History integration (for the unit line searching on modified sources) NEW

Options to reduce the .EXE file size NEW

Option to detect .EXE cracks NEW

CHM Help file

Printable PDF manual

On-line HTML manual

New application capabilities
Catches of every EXCEPTION!!!

Catches of every MEMORY-LEAKS!!! (only on Delphi) NEW

Display the Assembler/CPU sections NEW

Display the Processes/Modules list sections NEW

Display of more Hardware and Software info (DPI, printer, VGA, privileges, ...) NEW

Full .jdbg (Jedi Debug file), .MAP and .TDS (TD32 Debug file) support NEW

Full customizables Exceptions Filters (can choose style, behavior, messages ...) NEW

Full COM and SafeCall Exceptions customization NEW

Optionally catches every HANDLED EXCEPTION!!! NEW

Environment variables (%EnvironmentVariable%) support NEW

Creation of a detailed Log for every exception (module, unit, class, method, line ...)

Termination/restarting after a customizable number of exceptions

Fully customizable exception management with new EurekaLog events

Debug of third-party DLLs (showing address, module and procedure)

Debug of third-party BPLs (showing address, module, unit, class and procedure)

Initialization/Finalization exceptions are trapped (only Delphi version)

Creation of a detailed log when the application freezes (as for any other exception)

Full Call-Stack customization

Display detailed running Threads Call-Stack (calling Thread Call-Stack included)

Exception dialogs & HTML error page
Full customizable Exception-Dialog (with more new styles - as MS style) NEW

Add a customizable HELP button (call an event) NEW

Full UNICODE logs handling NEW

Fully customizable message texts collections (for multi-language applications) NEW

Adding customizable "Support Link" in the Exception-Dialog

Customizable HTML error page via HTML template

Automatic Exception-Dialog closing after a customizable time

Jump from Exception Dialog line to source code line (with a simple double-click)

Customizable log-file section view
(show/hide Modules-Processes & Assembler-CPU sections)

Advanced tree view of all running/calling threads call-stacks

Send messages & Files
Delivery of every new BUG to the most used Web BUG-Tracking tools NEW

Compress and encrypt all files to send in in ZIP format NEW

Delivery of a customizable email or Web message for every exception, with log-file

Attach a PNG Screenshot to the message

Append text containing a user description on the bug reproducibility to the log

Upload of log-file and attached files via HTTP/HTTPS and FTP protocol

Send a log-file copy in XML format

Send the last generated HTML page (only for the WEB applications)

Send the email/"upload files" in a separated thread

Attach customizable files to the send message

Add customizables data to the log-file

Add customizables fields to the uploading HTML page

Type of supported applications

Indy threads/components

GUI (standard graphical applications)


BPL (Borland package library)

DLL (dynamic-link library)

NT Services

Control Panel





Applications compiled with Runtime Packages

Delphi Command-line compiler

C++Builder Command-line compiler

FinalBuilder support

Exe compressors full compatibility

Exe protectors full compatibility

New EurekaLog Viewer full integrated with the Windows Shell
