Caution: this is old EurekaLog 6 documentation. This is not the latest version.
EurekaLog includes a function called GetSourceInfoByAddr, that enables you to obtain debug information of a specific memory address (ex: the unit name or the line number).
Syntax of this function is as follows:
function GetSourceInfoByAddr(Addr: DWord; DebugInfo: PEurekaDebugInfo): Boolean;
uses ExceptionLog; // The required unit...
function GetSourceCodeStringFromAddr(Addr: DWord): string; var DebugInfo: TEurekaDebugInfo; begin Result := '';
if GetSourceInfoByAddr(Addr, @DebugInfo) then begin Result := Format('%s.%s.%s.%d[%d]', [ DebugInfo.UnitName, DebugInfo.ClassName, DebugInfo.ProcedureName, DebugInfo.Line, DebugInfo.ProcOffsetLine]); end; end;