Caution: this is old EurekaLog 6 documentation. This is not the latest version.
EurekaLog includes a function called IsEurekaLogModule, that enables you to check if a module has been compiled with the EurekaLog support.
Syntax of this function is as follows:
function IsEurekaLogModule(HModule: THandle): Boolean;
uses ExceptionLog; // The required unit...
procedure LoadLib; var Lib: THandle; Res: Boolean; begin Lib := LoadLibrary('C:\Library.dll'); if (Lib <> 0) then try Res := IsEurekaLogModule(Lib); if (Res) then MessageBox(0, 'The "Lybrary.dll" module has been compiled WITH the EurekaLog support.', 'Information', MB_OK or MB_ICONINFORMATION) else MessageBox(0, 'The "Lybrary.dll" module has been compiled WITHOUT the EurekaLog support.', 'Information', MB_OK or MB_ICONINFORMATION) finally FreeLibrary(Lib); end; end;