Caution: this is old EurekaLog 6 documentation. This is not the latest version.
The EurekaLog Memory Leaks Detection has same limits derives from its internal structure.
EurekaLog detects the memory leaks at the program exit, so at this state the program has just freed all its non-static resources (resources allocated at run-time as Object created with the Create method, variables allocated with the GetMem function, or constants arrays).
This technique generating the following limitations:
SUGGESTION: It's possible customize the EurekaLog options, related to the Leaks detection, before the program exit (using an unit "finalization" section, a TForm.OnDestroy event, or just putting it at the end of the project source code).
program Project1;
uses ExceptionLog, ECore, // Needed unit ETypes, // Needed unit Forms, Unit1 in 'Unit1.pas' {Form1};
{$R *.res}
begin Application.Initialize; Application.CreateForm(TForm1, Form1); Application.Run;
// EurekaLog customization (for the Leaks Detection)... CurrentEurekaLogOptions.EMailSendMode := esmSMTPServer; CurrentEurekaLogOptions.EMailSubject := 'BUG Report'; CurrentEurekaLogOptions.EMailMessage := 'This is a BUG Report.'; CurrentEurekaLogOptions.EMailAddresses := ''; end.