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Class TEurekaModuleOptions

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EurekaLog options.







Code (Delphi)

TEurekaModuleOptions = class(TInterfacedPersistent);



This class represents EurekaLog options. EurekaLog options are usually stored as one instance per one loaded executable module. However, you can also create a new instance of this class on your request (to create custom options).


Usually you work with this class via CurrentEurekaLogOptions global function or via Options property of other EurekaLog classes (such as dialogs, call stacks, etc.).


Options are stored as named pairs text (name=value). Each option occupies one line only. Value is encoded to remove special characters (non-printable, line breaks, etc.). Complex values can be cached.



If you need to constantly use some option value - consider to save it into variable to optimize performance.


For a list of properties - please, refer to description of EurekaLog project options UI. Description of almost every option contains name of corresponding property of TEurekaModuleOptions class. For example:



1. "Save bug report to file" (.SaveLogFile) option enables saving...


This means that you can change this option at run-time by altering .SaveLogFile property of either global CurrentEurekaLogOptions or local Options property of exception object in event handlers.



Send feedback... Build date: 2025-02-05
Last edited: 2025-02-05
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