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Class TEurekaLogEvents

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EurekaLog 7 component.







Code (Delphi)

TEurekaLogEvents = class(TComponent);



EurekaLog 7 component can be used as simple way to react to EurekaLog's events.


This component provides a quick access to EurekaLog events. Normally a EurekaLog event handler is procedure or method which are registered (subscribed) to events via routines in EEvents unit. By using this component you can just double-click on events in IDE's Object Inspector to create handlers. No code writing is necessary.



While using component is very easy, you should be aware that any component lives as long as its container (form, frame or data module) lives. Thus, any event handler which you create with component will be inactive after your form close.


For this reason it's best to avoid component at all and use event handlers directly. Any event handler can be registered via EEvents unit. Best place to register event handler - initialization sections of your units.


If you still want to use EurekaLog component - best option is to place it on the main form of your application.



It's perfectly fine to have multiple EurekaLog components in your application.






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Published members



For sample code of events handlers - please see description of specific events.


See also

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Last edited: 2025-02-05
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