Root > Reference > All Types > TResponse > TResponse.SuccessMessage

Field TResponse.SuccessMessage

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Success message (succeeded operations only).







Code (Delphi)

SuccessMessage: String;



Success message in arbitrary format. This message may also be a URL.



This field may contain optional "success" message, which is supposed to be shown to end-user. Typically, this value is set by send method which works with bug trackers. Bug trackers may report status of bug (open/closed), instructions to do ("please, download update - it fixes this issue"), and URL to open.


This field may contain either human-readable message or URL.


Human-readable message must be shown to end-user in a message box (or via similar feature in your application).


URLs must be opened in default application.


You can determinate kind of string by checking beginning of the string: does it start with URL protocol name? Currently EurekaLog is able to recognize HTTP/HTTPS protocols and automatically launch web-browser when "Show success message" option is used.


See also

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Last edited: 2025-02-05
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