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Procedure ELogOpen

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Creates new log file.







Code (Delphi)

procedure ELogOpen(

const AFileName: String = '';

const ABufferSize: Cardinal = 1024*1024




AFileName [in, opt]

An absolute full file name for the new log file. We recommend to use .csl file extension.


ABufferSize [in, opt]

Size of the buffer in bytes. Default is 1 Mb. Set to 0 to disable buffering.



This function creates new log file. Add subsequent calls to ELog-like functions will write to AFileName.


A call to this function should be the first call in your application (e.g. before you call any of other logging routines).


If non-zero ABufferSize is specified: logging will write into a buffer. Buffer will be flushed to disk from time to time, or you can flush the buffer to disk at any time by calling the ELogFlush function.


If ABufferSize is 0: buffering will be disabled, logging will write directly to the file on disk. Application's performance may be sighnificantly reduced.



If you call any of ELog function before calling this function - log entries will be added to internal log. Internal log will be copied to real log file once you call ELogOpen.


If you do not want old entries created earlier - call ELogClear before calling ELogOpen.



A call to this function may be ignored, if application is already streaming into log file, which is owned by other module (exe/DLL) in application.




Code (Delphi)

ExeName := ParamStr(0);

LogFileName := ChangeFileExt(ExtractFileName(ExeName), '.csl');

LogFolder := ExpandEnvVars('%APPDATA%'); // ESysInfo unit

FullLogFileName := IncludeTrailingPathDelimiter(LogFolder) + LogFileName;




See also

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