Allocates a memory block via EurekaLog memory filter.
Code (Delphi)
function EurekaGetMem(
Size: PtrInt
): Pointer;
Size [in]
A size of memory block to allocate (in bytes).
Return value
A pointer to allocated memory block of Size bytes. Memory block is not zero-initialized.
EurekaGetMem allocates a block of the given Size on the heap, and returns the address of this memory. The bytes of the allocated buffer are not set to zero. To dispose of the buffer, use EurekaFreeMem. If there is not enough memory available to allocate the block, an leOutOfMemory error is raised.
If the memory block must be initialized with zero, you can use EurekaAllocMem.
Do not call EurekaGetMem manually. This function will be called automatically when you call GetMem function when EurekaLog's memory filter is installed.
EurekaGetMem usually never returns nil nor raise exceptions. Memory allocation errors are considered to be fatal. EurekaLog will call MemLeaksError event handler to hanle memory allocation error and terminate the application. See also: MemLeaksErrorsToIgnore global variable. You can use an explicit call to EurekaTryGetMem function to allocate memory with ignoring errors.
See also
• | MemLeaksError Event Handler |
• | MemLeaksErrorsToIgnore Global Variable |
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Build date: 2025-02-06
Last edited: 2025-02-05
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