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Method TExceptionManager.Info

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Returns information about exception.







Code (Delphi)


function Info(

const AInfo: Pointer;

const AAddr: Pointer = nil;

const AForcedNew: Boolean = False;

const ARespectActivation: Boolean = True;

const ADoNotCreateNew: Boolean = False

): TEurekaExceptionInfo; overload;


function Info(

const AInfo: TObject;

const AAddr: Pointer = nil;

const AForcedNew: Boolean = False;

const ARespectActivation: Boolean = True;

const ADoNotCreateNew: Boolean = False

): TEurekaExceptionInfo; overload;


function Info(

const AInfo: TObject;

const AExceptionRecord: Windows.TExceptionRecord;

const AContext: PContext = nil;

const AForcedNew: Boolean = False;

const ARespectActivation: Boolean = True;

const ADoNotCreateNew: Boolean = False

): TEurekaExceptionInfo; overload;


function Info(

const AInfo: TObject;

const AEP: TExceptionPointers;

const AForcedNew: Boolean = False;

const ARespectActivation: Boolean = True;

const ADoNotCreateNew: Boolean = False

): TEurekaExceptionInfo; overload;


function Info(

var AInfo: TExceptionData;

const AForcedNew: Boolean = False;

const ARespectActivation: Boolean = True;

const ADoNotCreateNew: Boolean = False

): TEurekaExceptionInfo; overload;


function Info(

const AInfo: Windows.TExceptionRecord;

const AContext: PContext = nil;

const AForcedNew: Boolean = False;

const ARespectActivation: Boolean = True;

const ADoNotCreateNew: Boolean = False

): TEurekaExceptionInfo; overload;


function Info(

const AInfo: TExceptionPointers;

const AForcedNew: Boolean = False;

const ARespectActivation: Boolean = True;

const ADoNotCreateNew: Boolean = False

): TEurekaExceptionInfo; overload;



AInfo [in]

Exception object, exception information, exception data, or any other information which identifies exception (there are multiple overloads variants of the same Info method). If this value is not specified ( nil) - then nil will be returned from the method.


AAddr [in, optional]

Exception address. Typically this is ExceptAddr value. This argument is present not in all overloaded methods.


AContext [in, optional]

Pointer to low-level CPU information. This information will be used for creation of new information. It's not used for identification purposes.


AForcedNew [in, optional]

False (default) - standard behaviour: try to locate already created info, reate new information only when no existing info is found.


True - always create new information instance. It's recommended don't use this value unless you're 100% sure that your exception is new (just created). Value of True is used by exception hooks.


ARespectActivation [in, optional]

True (default) - check the current status of EurekaLog. If no EurekaLog is enabled - return nil, otherwise (EurekaLog is enabled) - do the usual work.


False - always retrieve information even if EurekaLog is not active.


Return value

Information about specified exception or nil if information doesn't exist.


See also

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