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Property TEurekaExceptionInfo.Options

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EurekaLog options for this exception.






Actual EurekaLog options for this exception.



Each exception gets its own TEurekaExceptionInfo object which describes this exception. Each TEurekaExceptionInfo object has Options property of type TEurekaModuleOptions. Therefore, each exception has its own EurekaLog options.


Options are isolated and do not depend on CurrentEurekaLogOptions and options of other exceptions. I.e. any change to Options property will be visible only for that exception and nowhere else.


Initially options equal to CurrentEurekaLogOptions, but they may be changed during exception processing.


Other objects (like dialog, sender, log builder, etc.) share this Options property. I.e. all processing code uses the same object instance, so changes in, say, event handler will be visible for all other objects (dialogs, log builder, etc.).


See also


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Last edited: 2025-02-05
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