After you've added EurekaLog to your application - you probably want to configure it, so EurekaLog will better suit your needs.
Usually, our customers do these kind of configurations:
The best way to ensure satisfaction is to insert an artificial "bug" in your application and ensure that EurekaLog behaves as you expect and want. And if it's not - then adjust EurekaLog's settings.
If you write a GUI application - we recommend to place a button on main form and place this code to it's OnClick handler:
procedure TForm1.Button1Click(Sender: TObject); begin raise Exception.Create('Test exception for EurekaLog'); end;
Clicking on such button should invoke EurekaLog's processing and you could check its behaviour on your machine - before deploying application to the clients.
If you configure your application to catch leaks - you can use this code to test EurekaLog's behaviour for leaks:
procedure TForm1.Button2Click(Sender: TObject); begin AllocMem(10240); end;
Note: it's important to test both exceptions AND leaks, because their processing is very different.
See also: