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Basic procedures

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After you've added EurekaLog to your application - you probably want to configure it, so EurekaLog will better suit your needs.


Usually, our customers do these kind of configurations:

They configure bug report (like file storing and content).
They configure error dialogs (like changing appearance or disabling dialog at all).
They configure sending report to developer (to receive feedback from field-deployed applications).
And they adjust the settings of the project itself (to improve detalization of the bug reports).


The best way to ensure satisfaction is to insert an artificial "bug" in your application and ensure that EurekaLog behaves as you expect and want. And if it's not - then adjust EurekaLog's settings.


If you write a GUI application - we recommend to place a button on main form and place this code to it's OnClick handler:


procedure TForm1.Button1Click(Sender: TObject);


  raise Exception.Create('Test exception for EurekaLog');



Clicking on such button should invoke EurekaLog's processing and you could check its behaviour on your machine - before deploying application to the clients.


If you configure your application to catch leaks - you can use this code to test EurekaLog's behaviour for leaks:


procedure TForm1.Button2Click(Sender: TObject);





Note: it's important to test both exceptions AND leaks, because their processing is very different.



See also:

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Last edited: 2024-04-05
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