This article is a part of basic procedures.
When any error occurs (like unhandled exception or leak) - EurekaLog generates a bug report, which you configured on previous step. EurekaLog also shows an error dialog - it's some kind of dialog or output, which tells the user about error.
You can configure dialogs at "Dialogs" section in EurekaLog project's options.
Usually a dialog is set automatically when you select a type of your application. In some cases you have only single meaningful type of dialog available. But in most cases you can change a default dialog to some other dialog.
Just select a dialog's type from combo box and set additional dialog display options.
There are many dialogs available - here is a short list of available dialogs:
Note: some dialogs have meaning (and can work) only in certain project types. For example, attempt to use console dialog in VCL GUI application will result in error. Other dialogs may require additional setup. For example, a system logging requires you to register an event source for your application. See dialogs for more information.
You can know more about each dialog's options by reading Dialogs descriptions or by clicking on the dialog's link in the table above.
Important: by default EurekaLog is enabled only for the main thread in your application. You have to specify which background thread you want to monitor. Threads created with TThread (or TThreadEx) class do not show any dialog, but save thread's exception into the .FatalException property. You are supposed to handle/process the .FatalException property after thread completes. While this task is not EurekaLog-related, but you can still see some examples here.
See also: