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Configuring C++ Builder project for EurekaLog

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We highly recommend that you perform the following setup in order to configure your C++ project for EurekaLog.



1. Configuring memory and resource features

First, you have to ensure that EurekaLog's EMemLeaks/EResLeaks units are initialized first and finalized last. Please, follow these steps:

2. Go to "Project" / "Options" / "C++ Linker" and set "Dynamic RTL" option to False.
a. If you are building with dynamic RTL turned on - make sure your project defines _RTLDLL conditional symbol.
b. Do not define _RTLDLL conditional symbol when "Dynamic RTL" option is turned off.
3. (optional, recommended) Go to "Project" / "Options" / "Packages" and set "Build with run-time packages" option to False.
4. Copy EMemLeaksBCB.cpp file to your project folder, if it doesn't exist yet (this file is originally located in \Lib\Common subfolder of your EurekaLog installation).
5. Add EMemLeaksBCB.cpp file from your project's folder to the project.
6. Go to "Project" / "Options" / "Build order" and move EMemLeaksBCB.cpp file to be the first unit (on top).
7. Open project's source ("Project" / "View source"). In other words, open your main .cpp file (the one with your main function).
8. Add USEOBJ("EMemLeaksBCB.cpp") before any USEFORM directives, for example:


USEOBJ("EMemLeaksBCB.cpp");   // <- ADDED 
#include <vcl.h>
#pragma hdrstop
#include <tchar.h>
USEFORM("Unit1.cpp", Form1);



2. Configuring C++ specifics

Second, install the C++-specific hooks:

1. (optional, highly recommended) Enable the "C++ Compiler" / "Use 'classic' Borland compiler" option.
2. Again, open project's source ("Project" / "View source"). In other words, open your main .cpp file (the one with your main function).
3. Add EMemLeaks.hpp and the EurekaLogInstallCpp() line, for example:


#include <EMemLeaksBCB.hpp>   // <- ADDED
#include <vcl.h>
#pragma hdrstop
#include <tchar.h>
USEFORM("Unit1.cpp", Form1);
   EurekaLogInstallCpp(); // <- ADDED
      Application->MainFormOnTaskBar = true;



3. Configuring project options

Third, setup your project options for maximum debugging.



4. Building your project

Finally, make a full build ("Project" / "Build"); not just compile or make.


Important: C++ Builder's .map file does not contain any line numbers whatsoever:

a. [C++ Builder, 32 bit] EurekaLog uses Turbo Debugger debug information (aka TD32 info) to restore line numbers for C++ Builder projects. That is why generation of TD32 info should be enabled in your linker options.
b. [C++ Builder, 64 bit] 64-bit C++ Builder does not use TD32. It is build on entirely new framework: LLVM, which uses DWARF debug format. Currently EurekaLog is unable to use this information.



See also:

Send feedback... Build date: 2025-02-05
Last edited: 2024-06-03
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