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This is setup options for MessageBox dialog (edtMessageBox, edtMessageBoxDetailed). They are located at Dialogs tab.



MessageBox dialog options


Note: error messages in dialogs are controlled by nested exceptions behaviour options.


1. "Ask user for send consent" (.edoShowSendErrorReportOption) option will ask user for their consent before sending bug report to developer - by showing question "Do you want to send report" and presenting "Yes" and "No" buttons.


This option has no effect if you haven't specified any sending methods. In this case you'll see only one "OK" button. For example:



Asking for consent is unchecked or there is no sending method available



Asking for consent is checked and sending method present


Important: be aware that sending user's data without a consent violates GDPR. Violators of GDPR may be fined up to €20 million, or up to 4% of the annual worldwide turnover of the preceding financial year, whichever is greater. We recommend to seek advice from GDPR consulting company before disabling consent. See also: Security Considerations.



2. Default choice is selected by enabling/disabling "Default choice: send report" (.edoSendErrorReportChecked) option. If this option is checked - the default choice is "send the report". If this option is unchecked - then the default choice is "do NOT send the report". Default choice affects which button (option) will be highlighted/selected when dialog is shown.



3. "Detailed mode" (.ExceptionDialogType = edtMessageBoxDetailed) option switches between standard mode and detailed mode. Standard mode shows error message only. Detailed mode shows error message and compact call stack. For example:




Standard mode



Detailed mode



4. "Use native message box when possible" (.dlgMsgBoxUseNative) option turns on and off "native" style. By default "native" style is the same Windows.MessageBox function. However, some types of application (currently it's a console and web) overrides this to custom routines. For example, "native" message box in console application - it's an output to console. A "native" message box for IntraWeb application - it's a scripted dialog (via WebApplication.ShowMessage). For example:



"Use native message box" is off



"Use native message box" is on



5. "Right-To-Left" option enables Right-To-Left layout. This is global option that affects all EurekaLog run-time dialogs. Unchecked position indicate left-to-right layout (default), checked position indicate right-to-left layout used in some middle eastern languages. This option can also be altered at design-time via Localization page. This option can also be altered at run-time by changing CurrentEurekaLogOptions.CustomizedTexts[mtRTLDialog].



6. "Show dialog in Top-Most state" (.edoShowInTopMostMode) option sets the HWND_TOPMOST position to error dialog. If this option is checked then error window will appear above all other non-TopMost windows. If this option is unchecked then HWND_TOPMOST will not be set. Instead, a timer is run. This timer will call SetForegroundWindow for error dialog, if it was covered by any other process's windows. Windows from other processes can cover error window. Windows from current process, which are created after error dialog can cover error dialog too. The timer will fire only few times to avoid 2+ windows fighting over top place. This timer doesn't work in TopMost mode.



See also:

MessageBox dialog for general description of this dialog's type

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Last edited: 2024-04-05
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