Root > How to... > ...add/save exception to a log?

...add/save exception to a log?

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Local bug report files

If you want to save a bug report about exception to a file - you can use the local bug report file feature of EurekaLog:



Local bug report options


Local bug report files are enabled by default. You can open default folder with bug reports by opening Start / Programs / EurekaLog / Bug reports menu item (for current user account only).


Local bug report file will contain one or more bug reports, consisting of general info, call stack, modules, processes, CPU and assembly, which you can also configure:



Bug report content options


You can also add any custom information to a bug report:




Custom text information in bug report



3rd party frameworks

You can also log exceptions using any 3rd party logging frameworks. We have examples for integration with the following logging frameworks:

However, you can use any logging framework. You can refer to the above examples to learn how to trigger on exceptions to send them to the logging framework of your choice.


Note: You can also use logging in EurekaLog.



Custom log files

You can also add exceptions to your own log files. For example, if you want to log all unhandled exceptions - you can assign OnExceptionNotify event handler:


  EException,      // for TEurekaExceptionInfo
  EEvents,         // for RegisterEventExceptionNotify
  ESysInfo,        // for various info functions
  EJSON,           // for JSON routines
  EConsts;         // for UTF8 BOM
procedure TForm1.Button1Click(Sender: TObject);
  raise Exception.Create('Error Message');
// Creates log file on startup to write into
function OpenLogFile: THandle;
  Written: Cardinal;
  // Create a new log file
  Result := CreateFile(PChar(GetFolderAppData + 'BugReport.json'),
  Win32Check(Result <> INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE);
  // Write UTF8 BOM to start of a new file
  Win32Check(WriteFile(Result, BOM_UTF8, SizeOf(BOM_UTF8), Written, nil));
  Win32Check(Written = SizeOf(BOM_UTF8));
// Tell EurekaLog to log crash info
procedure LogException(const ACustom: Pointer;
  AExceptionInfo: TEurekaExceptionInfo;
  var AHandle: Boolean;
  var ACallNextHandler: Boolean);
  JSON, SubJSON, CallStackEntry: IJSONValues;
  E: Exception;
  CallStackItems: array of Variant;
  LogEntry: String;
  EncodedLogEntry: UTF8String;
  Written: Cardinal;
  X: Integer;
  // Create JSON about the event
  JSON := JSONCreate;
  // The code below is just an example
  // Modify it as you want

  // For example, you can replace it with 

  // code to add a database entry
  JSON['version'] := 1;
  JSON['created'] := Now;
  SubJSON := JSONCreate;
  JSON['application'] := SubJSON;
  SubJSON['executable'] := ExtractFileName(ParamStr(0));
  SubJSON['version'] := GetFileVersion(ParamStr(0));
  SubJSON['started'] := GetStartDate;
  SubJSON['compiled'] := GetCurrentModuleCompilationDate;
  SubJSON['elevated'] := IsElevated;
  SubJSON['integrityLevel'] := GetIntegrityLevel;
  SubJSON := JSONCreate;
  JSON['user'] := SubJSON;
  SubJSON['name'] := GetUserName;
  if GetUserEMail <> '' then
    SubJSON['email'] := GetUserEMail;
  SubJSON['fullName'] := GetUserFullName;

  if GetCompanyName <> '' then
  SubJSON['company'] := GetCompanyName;
  if IsAdministrator = Boolean(-1) then
    SubJSON['admin'] := 'limited'
    SubJSON['admin'] := IsAdministrator;
  SubJSON := JSONCreate;
  JSON['system'] := SubJSON;
  SubJSON['name'] := GetComputerName;
  SubJSON['cpu'] := GetProcessor;
  SubJSON['video'] := GetDisplayMode;
  if GetVirtualMachineVersion <> '' then
    SubJSON['vm'] := GetVirtualMachineVersion;
  SubJSON := JSONCreate;
  JSON['os'] := SubJSON;
  SubJSON['name'] := GetOSTypeStr;
  SubJSON['build'] := GetOSBuild;
  SubJSON['update'] := GetOSUpdate;
  SubJSON['language'] := GetOSUILanguage;
  SubJSON['uac'] := IsUACEnabled;
  JSON['eventType'] := 'exception';
  SubJSON := JSONCreate;
  JSON['exception'] := SubJSON;
  SubJSON['id'] := AExceptionInfo.BugIDStr;
  SubJSON['class'] := AExceptionInfo.ExceptionClass;
  SubJSON['message'] := AExceptionInfo.ExceptionMessage;
  // Check if exception is of Exception class (usually: yes)
  if AExceptionInfo.ExceptionNative and

     (AExceptionInfo.ExceptionObject <> nil) and
     TObject(AExceptionInfo.ExceptionObject).InheritsFrom(Exception) then
    E := Exception(AExceptionInfo.ExceptionObject);
    // Here you can cast E to EWin32Error, EDBException, or any other class


    // IMPORTANT NOTE: Please note that the E may be unavailable even for Delphi exceptions!

    // For example, if the exception object was already deleted:


    // try

    //   raise Exception.Create('Inner Exception'); // - will be deleted

    // except

    //   on E: Exception do

    //     raise Exception.Create('Outer Exception');

    // end; 


    // See also.

    // That is why we check for NIL in the example above.

    // For this reason we highly recommend to use properties of AExceptionInfo when possible,

    // Such as .ExceptionClass and .ExceptionMessage

  // Log exception's call stack
  SetLength(CallStackItems, AExceptionInfo.CallStack.Count);
  for X := 0 to AExceptionInfo.CallStack.Count - 1 do
    CallStackEntry := JSONCreate;
    CallStackItems[X] := CallStackEntry;
    CallStackEntry['module'] := AExceptionInfo.CallStack[X].Location.ModuleName;
    CallStackEntry['unit'] := AExceptionInfo.CallStack[X].Location.UnitName;
    if AExceptionInfo.CallStack[X].Location.SourceName <> '' then
      CallStackEntry['source'] := AExceptionInfo.CallStack[X].Location.SourceName;
    if AExceptionInfo.CallStack[X].Location.ClassName <> '' then
      CallStackEntry['class'] := AExceptionInfo.CallStack[X].Location.ClassName;
    CallStackEntry['routine'] := AExceptionInfo.CallStack[X].Location.ProcedureName;
    CallStackEntry['line'] := AExceptionInfo.CallStack[X].Location.LineNumber;
  SubJSON['callstack'] := VarArrayOf(CallStackItems);
  // You may also log other properties of AExceptionInfo
  // Or you can use routines from ESysInfo to log process and environment info
  // Of you can use BuildBugReport function to compose bug report text
  // Prepare log entry text
  LogEntry := JSON.ToString + ',';
  EncodedLogEntry := UTF8Encode(LogEntry);
  // The code above will produce the following JSON text:
  // {
  //   "version": 1,
  //   "created": "2022.03.07 20:21:42",
  //   "application": {
  //     "executable": "Project1.exe",
  //     "version": "",
  //     "started": "2022.03.07 20:21:39",
  //     "compiled": "2022.03.07 20:21:37",
  //     "elevated": false,
  //     "integrityLevel": "Medium"
  //   },
  //   "user": {
  //     "name": "username",
  //     "email": "",
  //     "fullName": "User Name",
  //     "company": "Litware LLC",
  //     "admin": "limited"
  //   },
  //     "system": {
  //     "name": "HOMEPC",
  //     "cpu": "Intel(R) Core(TM) i7-3930K CPU @ 3.20GHz",
  //     "video": "1920x1080x32 120 DPI",
  //     "vm": "VirtualBox"
  //   },
  //   "os": {
  //     "name": "Microsoft Windows 10 (64 bit)",
  //     "build": "2009 (10.0.19044.1526)",
  //     "update": "Authum 2021 Update [21H2] #1526",
  //     "language": "Russian (0419)",
  //     "uac": true
  //   },
  //   "eventType": "exception",
  //   "exception": {
  //     "id": "2314182A",
  //     "class": "Exception",
  //     "message": "Error Message.",
  //     "callstack": [
  //       {
  //         "module": "C:\\Projects\\Win32\\Debug\\Project1.exe",
  //         "unit": "Unit1",
  //         "source": "Unit1.pas",
  //         "class": "TForm1",
  //         "routine": "Button1Click",
  //         "line": 36
  //       },
  //       {
  //         "module": "C:\\Projects\\Win32\\Debug\\Project1.exe",
  //         "unit": "Vcl.Controls",
  //         "source": "Vcl.Controls.pas",
  //         "class": "TControl",
  //         "routine": "Click",
  //         "line": 7660
  //       },
  //       ...
  //     ]
  //   }
  // }
  // Write the log entry to a file
  // No sync is necessary, as the log entry is written as single buffer
  Win32Check(WriteFile(THandle(ACustom), Pointer(EncodedLogEntry)^, Length(EncodedLogEntry), Written, nil));
  Win32Check(Written = Cardinal(Length(EncodedLogEntry)));
  // Tell EurekaLog to log crash info into a file
  RegisterEventExceptionNotify(Pointer(OpenLogFile), LogException);



See also:

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Last edited: 2023-08-09
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