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...enable/disable EurekaLog at design-time?

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Disabling EurekaLog means that the project will keep EurekaLog's settings, while EurekaLog will not be compiled in during project's compilation. This is useful if you want to temporarily exclude EurekaLog from the project, or if you want to have two different "with-EurekaLog" and "without-EurekaLog" build configurations:

Enabling EurekaLog means defining the EUREKALOG conditional compilation symbol;
Disabling EurekaLog means removing the EUREKALOG conditional compilation symbol.


Important: this article assumes that you have already added EurekaLog to your project.



Enable/disable EurekaLog at design-time

Go to Project / EurekaLog options (see also):



EurekaLog project options in IDE menu


Don't see EurekaLog menu items?


You should see the "General" page.



To disable EurekaLog:

[RAD Studio 2007 and earlier] Uncheck the "Enable EurekaLog for this project" checkbox:



EurekaLog is disabled for the whole project, RAD Studio 2007 and earlier


[RAD Studio 2009+] Uncheck all checkboxes in "Build Configurations" list:



EurekaLog is disabled for the whole project, RAD Studio 2009+


Important: some IDE versions have bugs in OTA (OpenTools API), which prevents EurekaLog from adding/removing conditional define. If your options do not change when you make changes through EurekaLog's project options dialog - please, add or remove EUREKALOG conditional symbol manually.


If you compile your project with EurekaLog disabled - EurekaLog will tell you about it:



IDE's Messages / Build window - this is output when EurekaLog is disabled


When compiling with EurekaLog disabled:

EurekaLog's units will not be included;
EurekaLog's data (options and debug information) will not be injected.


In other words, you project would be compiled like if EurekaLog was not installed.


Important: "disabling EurekaLog" means removing the EUREKALOG conditional symbol. EurekaLog's IDE wizard will take care of automatically managed EurekaLog's units, but you may have added other references to EurekaLog's units manually. It is your task to ensure that your project does not reference EurekaLog's units when you are compiling it without EurekaLog. See also: How to write code with EurekaLog?



To enable EurekaLog:

[RAD Studio 2007 and earlier] Check the "Enable EurekaLog for this project" checkbox:



EurekaLog is enabled for the whole project, RAD Studio 2007 and earlier


[RAD Studio 2009+] Check the "Base" build configuration:



EurekaLog is enabled for the whole project, RAD Studio 2009+ only


Important: some IDE versions have bugs in OTA (OpenTools API), which prevents EurekaLog from adding/removing conditional define. If your options do not change when you make changes through EurekaLog's project options dialog - please, add or remove EUREKALOG conditional symbol manually.



IDE's Messages / Build window - this is output from a normal successful compilation


When compiling with EurekaLog enabled:

EurekaLog's units will be included;
EurekaLog's data (options and debug information) will be injected.



See also:

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Last edited: 2024-07-08
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