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Working with EurekaLog settings

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This series of articles explains working with EurekaLog settings in details.



Default behavior

EurekaLog installs IDE expert. IDE expert is extension for your IDE, which adds EurekaLog's menu items to IDE. It also allows saving additional information (EurekaLog settings) with your project. By default EurekaLog stores its per-project settings in .eof file with same name as your project (e.g. Project1.eof for Project1.dpr). See Storing EurekaLog options for more information.



Common tasks



External settings

You can also store EurekaLog settings in external/standalone files. External EurekaLog settings files also have .eof file extension.


.eof files can be obtained:

by saving options to new file in external settings editor;
by manual creation and editing in any text editor;
by copying another .eof file.


EurekaLog will use external settings if:


See Using external settings for more information.


Default folder for saving .eof files (i.e. folder for "Export settings" dialog) is %AppData%\Neos Eureka S.r.l\EurekaLog\Profiles\ (e.g. like C:\Users\UserName\AppData\Roaming\Neos Eureka S.r.l\EurekaLog\Profiles\). Any .eof file placed in that location will appear as a "custom" project type. .eof files outside of the above mentioned folder will not appear in "Project type" option. Apart from %AppData%\Neos Eureka S.r.l\EurekaLog\Profiles\ folder, a typical places to store .eof files is the folder (or sub-folder) of your project.



Manual configuration

You can also manage EurekaLog settings manually. This can be done:

by uninstalling IDE expert
by using "DoNotTouchXYZ" options


EurekaLog supports the following options, which you can enter at Custom/Manual page:

DoNotTouch=1 - disables all EurekaLog's assist for the project. It will behave as if IDE expert is not installed at all. You can also disable individual parts:
oDoNotTouchCompilation=1 - disables post-processing. You have to invoke ecc32/emake tools manually.
oDoNotTouchOptions=1 - disables changing project options. You have to manually configure your project.
oDoNotTouchUnits=1 - disables inserting/deleting unit into project's uses clause. You have to include EurekaLog's code manually.
oDoNotTouchPackages=1 - disables modification of run-time packages list.


See Different EurekaLog settings for 'Debug' and 'Release' build configurations and Read-only projects for two practical examples of manual controlled configuration.



See also:

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