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This is setup options for Redmine send method (wsmRedmine). They are located at Sending tab.



Redmine send method options


Note: You can use Redmine as external bug tracker for GitLab.



1. "URL" (.SendRedmineURL) option specifies target URL for your Redmine installation. Do not add here "http://" or ":80" parts here. Specify only domain name (or IP) and path. Example:


Warning: be sure to setup adequate maximum upload file limits in your web-server/Redmine configuration. Otherwise sending may fail on large bug reports.



2. "Port" (.SendRedminePort) option specifies HTTP port on web server. It's 80 by default. Other common value is 3000 (for local installation). For SSL/TLS it's usually 443. Port will be set automatically to 80/443 by default.



3. "SSL / TLS" (.SendRedmineSSL) option enabled secure mode (HTTPS protocol). Port will be set automatically to 80/443 by default. Don't forget to adjust port number, if you are using an alternative port number.



4. "Login" (.SendRedmineLogin) and "Password" (.SendRedminePassword) options specify your account (login) on Redmine server. This account will be used to submit bug reports. Do not specify e-mail or full user name as login, use only username. You can find your username in your Redmine profile. You can use API token instead of password - leave login field blank in this case.


Warning: your real account's data will be stored inside application. Even if it's encrypted - it's still stored inside .exe, so it can be stolen. DO NOT use Redmine admin account here. Create a new special account for bug reporting via this method. Limit its rights to submitting only. See also: Redmine setup, Security Considerations.



Your login / password pair will be replaced with API key once you click "Connect" button. You can remove API key and re-enter login / password pair.
It is a good idea to disable e-mail notifications for this account.


Important: unfortunately, Redmine does not allow regular users to obtain list of users and custom fields. Therefore, you have to create administrator user if you want to use custom fields.



5. "Proxy" (.SendRedmineProxyHost, .SendRedmineProxyPort, .SendRedmineProxyLogin, .SendRedmineProxyPassword) options specify proxy details. You can leave them blank to use system-provided settings. Or you can fill these values to set custom proxy.



6. "Connect" button will try to connect to your Redmine server using the specified URL/port/credentials. If you made a mistake in your configuration - an error message will be displayed. In case of success - field below will be populated from configuration of your bug tracker.




7. "Project" (.SendRedmineProject) options specifies project name to store bug reports. It's mandatory. Project name is case-insensitive, do not specify project key as name.



8. "Tracker" (.SendRedmineTracker) option specifies tracker type for the issue. Mandatory. Default is "Bug".



9. "Category" (.SendRedmineCategory) option specifies category for submitted reports. It's optional.



10. ""Count" field name" (.SendRedmineCountFieldName) option specifies name of custom field, which EurekaLog will use for bug report counting. By default, Redmine doesn't have any "occurrences" or "count" fields, so you can't know how many times bug has occurred. To workaround this problem, you can create a custom field in Redmine configuration, which you will use for this purpose. You can enter name of this field here - and EurekaLog will use it to count bugs.


Important: unfortunately, Redmine does not allow regular users to obtain list of users and custom fields. Therefore, you have to create administrator user if you want to use custom fields.


See also: issues workflow.



11. ""E-mail" field name" (.SendRedmineEMailFieldName) option specifies name of custom field, which EurekaLog will use to store e-mail of user who sent (original) report. By default, Redmine doesn't have such field. You can either create a custom field in Redmine configuration, which you will use for this purpose; or you can simply extract e-mail from bug report (file attach).


Important: unfortunately, Redmine does not allow regular users to obtain list of users and custom fields. Therefore, you have to create administrator user if you want to use custom fields.



12. ""BugID" field name" (.SendRedmineBugIDFieldName) option specifies name of custom field, which EurekaLog will use to store BugID. By default, Redmine doesn't have such field. You can create a custom field in Redmine configuration, which you will use for this purpose. When field is specified - it will be used by EurekaLog to search/merge reports. Otherwise title (summary) is used for merging.


Note: we highly recommend to create and use this field.



1.Be sure to create BugID custom field with "Used as a filter" option set.
2.Unfortunately, Redmine does not allow regular users to obtain list of users and custom fields. Therefore, you have to create administrator user if you want to use custom fields.



13. ""Version" field name" (.SendRedmineVersionFieldName) option specifies name of custom field, which EurekaLog will use to store version of crashed module. By default, Redmine doesn't have such field. You can either create a custom field in Redmine configuration, which you will use for this purpose; or you can simply extract version from bug report (file attach).


Important: unfortunately, Redmine does not allow regular users to obtain list of users and custom fields. Therefore, you have to create administrator user if you want to use custom fields.


Note: obsolete/archieved versions are always excluded from version search.



14. "Search match up to N numbers" (.SendRedmineMinVersion) option specifies how version search is performed.


Because bug tracker may create versions in an arbitrary format (like "Version 1" or "7.3 hotfix 2"), and application uses 4 numbers format (like "") - EurekaLog has to perform heuristic search:

First, EurekaLog looks up exact match (e.g. "" = "");
Second, EurekaLog tries to find version with same numbers (e.g. "" = "");
Third, EurekaLog performs partial search (e.g. "" = "7.3.2", or "" = "7.3", or "" = "7.3 Beta"). The search is always performed from longer matches to shorter. E.g. when searching "": "7.3.2" has higher priority than "7.3".


This option indicate when EurekaLog need to stop when searching version:

A value of 4 means "all four numbers must match". This is a strict search.
Value of 3 means that search would fail if there is no match with at least 3 number (e.g. "7.3.2");
Value of 2 means that search would fail if there is no match with at least 2 number (e.g. "7.3");
Value of 1 means that search would fail if there is no match with at least 1 number (e.g. "7").


We recommend to use value of 4 for this option, because it greatly reduces possible ambiguity. However, it will mean that you have to enter each build (even very minor one) of your application in your bug tracker's configuration.


Value of 1 means using very wide criteria. We do not recommend to use it. If you are still going to use it - be sure not to enter too much sub-versions in your bug tracker, especially with added text.


Values of 2 and 3 are a good compromise.



15. "Opened statuses"  (.SendRedmineOpenedStatuses) option specifies which statuses indicate that issue is NEW. The list can contain one of more values. Separate individual values with semicolon (";"). This option is case insensitive.


See also: issues workflow.



16. "Closed statuses"  (.SendRedmineClosedStatuses) option specifies which statuses indicate that issue is CLOSED. The list can contain one of more values. Separate individual values with semicolon (";"). This option is case insensitive.


See also: issues workflow.



17. "Upload bug report files for duplicates until bug is closed" (.SendRedmineUploadFilesForDups) option allows you to collect all bug reports. If this option is unchecked (default): only first bug report is uploaded and stored. All other bug reports for the same problem (identified by BugID) will be discarded. Only "count" field will be increased (if it was configured). If this option is checked: bug reports for the same problem will be uploaded to issue.



if you check this option be sure to name bug report files in unique way to avoid file names duplicates. Also, be sure to have a lot of hard disk space to store all bug reports.
bug reports will not be uploaded, once the issue is closed or resolved.
you can also stop collecting files by changing status to "In progress".


See also: issues workflow.



18. "Append bug report text to additional information" (.SendRedmineAppendText) option allows you to insert bug report's text into "Description" field. It's convenient, if you need to peek bug report without downloading bug report file. You can turn this option off, if you don't need this behaviour.


Note: checking this option will not disable bug report file upload. File will still be attached.



19. "Append only call stack instead of full report" (.SendRedmineUseCallStackAsBugReport) option alters previous option. Disabled: full bug report text will be added (e.g. general section, call stack, modules, processes, CPU/assembler, etc.); Enabled: only call stack will be added (you will still be able to view full bug report by downloading file attach).



20. "Append bug opening link to "Success" message" (.SendRedmineAllowLinks) option will add a link to view bug report on Redmine to message dialog after successful send. So end user (client) will be able to view status of the report on your bug tracker (login is required).


This option has no effect if successful message dialog is disabled. Turn this option on for public bug trackers. Turn this option off for private bug trackers.



"Append bug opening link to "Success" message" option is enabled



"Append bug opening link to "Success" message" option is disabled


Note: active hyper-link will work on Windows Vista or later. It will be displayed as plain text on Windows XP and earlier.



See also:

Redmine send method for general description of this send method

Send feedback... Build date: 2025-02-05
Last edited: 2023-03-07
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