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SMTP client

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SMTP client method is just a usual e-mail client software inside your application - the only differences is that it's "send only" (no receive) and very simple. As any other real e-mail client (like Outlook, The Bat!, etc) it requires a real account (e-mail and password).




No additional client software or configuration necessary.
Emulates real e-mail software client. Most reliable e-mail delivery method.
Can deliver reports automatically. No UI.
SSL/TLS support.
Good for basic support for unsupported web-trackers (see also).



No backward feedback - you can't tell customer that this problem is already solved.
No bug report management.
Can be blocked by firewall or client's ISP, since you don't use settings of user's e-mail application (some ISPs require to use their SMTP relay servers to send e-mails outside).
"FROM" field is (almost) always your account.
User e-mail is optional.
You must store your account details (login/password) in your application. Real e-mail account is required, since it's actually a real e-mail client inside application.


Warning: your real account's data will be stored inside application. Even if it's encrypted - it's still stored inside .exe, so it can be stolen. DO NOT use your personal e-mail for this. Create a new special account for bug reporting via this method (and be sure to protect it against e-mail/password change or hi-jacking).


Currently EurekaLog supports AUTH LOGIN and AUTH PLAIN authentication methods.


Typically, you should use either SMTP server or SMTP client, but not both methods simultaneously.


Constant: esmSMTPClient.



See also:

Send feedback... Build date: 2025-02-05
Last edited: 2023-03-07
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