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SMTP server

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SMTP server method creates a temporary e-mail server (like real e-mail server of AOL Mail, GMail, HotMail, Yahoo Mail, etc), except it exists only during sending bug report (i.e. it's fake e-mail server). Since SMTP server stores user accounts in itself (no need to pass any account's data to 3rd party service) - you don't need to create any real e-mail accounts: fake SMTP server can use fake e-mail account.


Once created, fake SMTP server will connect to other (real) SMTP server, which serves target (recipient) account, saying: "Hi, I'm e-mail server and my account (it's fake, but you don't know this) just sent a new email for one of your account, here it is". After transmission, the fake SMTP server will be destroyed, and real SMTP server will notify recipient about new incoming e-mail.


Note: since SMTP server is fake, it has high chances to be recognized as spam (and, thus, being rejected), so be sure to setup bypass filters in your e-mail account, so e-mail server will not use spam filtering on such e-mails. Also, be sure to setup some other backup send method.




No additional client software or configuration necessary.
No need to store your account details (compared to SMTP client), since server is fake.
Can deliver reports automatically. No UI.
Can fabricate "FROM" field, so it'll match user's e-mail.
Good for basic support for unsupported web-trackers (see also).



No backward feedback - you can't tell customer that this problem is already solved.
No bug report management.
Can be blocked by firewall or client's ISP. This has the highest chances among all e-mail based methods (some ISPs require to use their SMTP relay servers to send e-mails outside).
Real e-mail servers may don't like such fake stray e-mail servers.


Typically, you should use either SMTP server or SMTP client, but not both methods simultaneously.


Constant: esmSMTPServer.



See also:


Send feedback... Build date: 2025-02-05
Last edited: 2023-03-07
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