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Function HandleException

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Handles exception.







Code (Delphi)

function HandleException(

const E: TObject = nil;

const AExpected: Boolean = False;

const AHandler: String = '';

const AExceptionAddress: Pointer = nil

): Integer;



E [in, optional]

Exception object to process. Default is nil. If this parameter is not specified, the return value of ExceptObject will be used. Does nothing for EAbort.


Return value

Error code for the E argument. You can use this code to specify failure reason for thread, process, etc. This code is never equals 0, unless there is no exception.



Handles (processes) the specified exception. It is usually means saving bug report, displaying EurekaLog's exception dialog, sending bug report, etc.


If EurekaLog is installed - this function will redirect to ExceptionManager.Handle.


If EurekaLog is not installed - this function will show simple message box by using ApplicationShowException function (if it is not installed - then HandleException will show its own message box for Exception child classes and use ShowException for non-Exception classes).



See also

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Last edited: 2025-02-05
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