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Function DecodeInstruction

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Decodes a single CPU instruction.







Code (Delphi)

function DecodeInstruction(

Address: PAddress;

const AExternalProcess: Boolean = False

): TInstruction;



Address [in]

A pointer to CPU instruction to decode.


Return value

Decoded CPU instruction at Address. Exact structure of TInstruction depends on current CPU. Please, refer to source code of the unit for your CPU (such as EDisAsmX8632.pas, EDisAsmX8664.pas, etc.).



This is low-level disassembler routine which decodes a single CPU instruction and stores detailed information into TInstruction record. The decoded information includes prefixes, opcode, MOD/SIB bytes, displacement and immediate values - plus evaluated information: such as pointer to next instruction, flags, sizes of various data, etc. Exact structure of TInstruction depends on current CPU. Please, refer to source code of the unit for your CPU (such as EDisAsmX8632.pas, EDisAsmX8664.pas, etc.).


The decoded information can be used "as is" or it can be converted into textual representation by InstructionToString function.



You can use DisasmInstruction function if you need to disassemble a single CPU instruction into textual representation and you don't need decoded information (TInstruction record).


See also

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