Root > Reference > All Functions > DisableMemLeaksRegistering

Procedure DisableMemLeaksRegistering

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Disables memory leaks checks.







Code (Delphi)

procedure DisableMemLeaksRegistering;



This function temporally disables regestering memory leaks. This is a global state, which can be checked with IsMemLeaksEnabled function. You can enable regestering memory leaks back with EnableMemLeaksRegistering function.

When registering memory leaks is enabled, EurekaLog will collect call stack information of each allocated memory block. Additional information (such as name, grouping, etc.) will also be stored.
When registering memory leaks is disabled, EurekaLog will not collect call stack and additional information. Overhead will be significantly reduced.

See also description of EMemLeaks unit.



This function will not disable generating report about already registered memory leak. To disable memory leak report - use ActivateMemoryLeakCheck function.



You can use EurekaRegisterExpectedMemoryLeak function to register an expected memory leak or to disable leak reporting for already allocated memory block.



DisableMemLeaksRegistering/EnableMemLeaksRegistering can not be called recursively. If you make two calls to DisableMemLeaksRegistering followed to one call to EnableMemLeaksRegistering - then registering of memory leaks will be enabled.


See also

ActivateMemoryLeakCheck Function

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Last edited: 2025-02-05
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