Enables or disables EurekaLog in the specified thread.
Code (Delphi)
function SetEurekaLogStateInThread(
const AThreadID: Cardinal;
const AActivate: Boolean
): Boolean;
AThreadID [in, optional]
TID - thread ID which EurekaLog's status should be checked. Use 0 (default) for current thread.
AActivate [in]
True - if you want to enable EurekaLog, False - if you want to disable EurekaLog.
Return value
Previous EurekaLog state: True if EurekaLog was active, False - otherwise.
You can use this procedure to manually enable and disable EurekaLog in the specified thread.
EurekaLog is considered to be active if it should do its work. You can get per-thread EurekaLog activation status by calling IsEurekaLogActiveInThread procedure.
This function changes per-thread activation status. If you want to change global activation status - use SetEurekaLogState procedure.
This is a wrapper for EThreadsManager.SetEurekaLogStateInThread function.
Code (Delphi)
// Enable EurekaLog in current thread (by default)
raise Exception.Create('Error message'); // <- this exception will be handled by EurekaLog, since EurekaLog is enabled
Code (Delphi)
// Disable EurekaLog in current thread
raise Exception.Create('Error message'); // <- this exception will not be handled by EurekaLog, since EurekaLog is disabled
See also
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Build date: 2025-02-05
Last edited: 2025-02-05
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Permanent link to this article: https://www.eurekalog.com/help/eurekalog/topic_function_exceptionlog7_seteurekalogstateinthread.php