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ExceptionLog7 Unit

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Main EurekaLog 7 unit.



This unit contains control logic of EurekaLog. It must be included into any application which use EurekaLog.


This unit also includes common routines of EurekaLog.



Consider using EBase unit if you want to call EurekaLog routines in application without EurekaLog enabled (such as IsEurekaLogActive).


Including ExceptionLog7 unit into your application will include EurekaLog's code - which is not needed for applications without EurekaLog enabled.


Including EBase unit will include only minimum stub code without full overhead of entire EurekaLog's code.



You can check whenever ExceptionLog7 unit is included into executable module by using PE Informer (aka Module Analyzer) Tool, which is included with EurekaLog 7 or EurekaLog Tools Pack.


See also

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Last edited: 2025-02-05
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