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Type TELEvRaiseProc

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Procedural event handler for OnRaise event.







Code (Delphi)

TELEvRaiseProc = procedure(

const ACustom: Pointer;

AExceptionInfo: TEurekaExceptionInfo;

var ACallNextHandler: Boolean




ACustom [in, optional]

Custom user data parameter. It's the same pointer as it was passed to RegisterEvent-function.


AExceptionInfo [in, optional]

Information about exception. Can be nil.


ACallNextHandler [out]

True (default) - call next registered event handler, False - do not call next event handler.



OnRaise event is fired for each raised exception. You can use this event to collect additional information about exception, to change existing information or place any other custom logic.


Do not place exception processing code into event handler for this event. Use OnExceptionNotify event instead.



OnRaise event is invoked when EurekaLog detects that a new exception is raised. Depending on project configuration and environment - it can happen before or after an exception is actually thrown by CPU. This means that not all exception information may be collected. For example, a call stack may be nil - because building call stack for the exception requires CPU context record - which is not available until exception is actually thrown by CPU.



OnRaise event is wrapped into OnActionNotify events with atCollectingExceptionInfo/atCollectedExceptionInfo.



Any event is called from the context of exception thread, which may be not the main thread of application. Thus, it's highly recommended to avoid using any global-like data and to avoid access VCL objects. If you still need to do any of that - please use proper thread synchronization for globals and Synchronize method for VCL access.





Code (Delphi)

raise Exception.Create('Error'); // - event will be raised here


See this article for example of registering event handlers.


Sample event handler may look like this:


Code (Delphi)

procedure OnRaise(const ACustom: Pointer; AExceptionInfo: TEurekaExceptionInfo; var ACallNextHandler: Boolean);


// Collect additional information for exception

AExceptionInfo.AdditionalInfo := 'Sample additional data';



See also

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Last edited: 2025-02-05
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