Root > Integral parts > Interface > Project options > Using variables

Using variables

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This is discussion of EurekaLog project's options.


You can use environment variables in any text values in your project settings. You can insert variable by using "Variables" window. Variable is inserted as special tag. When you run your application at run-time, any variable value will be replaced with actual value, which is calculated at run-time.


For example, if you set your folder for saving bug-report to "%APPDATA%\MyBugReports" then your bug reports will be saved to C:\Users\UserName\AppData\Roaming\MyBugReports\ or C:\Documents and Settings\UserName\Application Data\MyBugReports - depending on real value of %APPDATA% variable at run-time.


Note: variables names are case-insensitive.


When you're in your EurekaLog project options, you can click on "Variables" button at dialog's bottom:



"Variables" button in EurekaLog project options


Click on this button and you will see such window:



"Variables" dialog


"Copy" button will close the window with copying selected variable into clipboard. Alternatively: you can just double-click on variable in the list.

"Close" button will close the window without any action.


Suggested action's sequence:

Open "Variables" window.
Select variable that you want to use (see Variables for description).
Click "Copy" (or double-click variable). Dialog will be closed.
Paste variable name from clipboard (Ctrl + V or Shift + Ins) to target setting's edit box.


Note: this dialog suggests you only build-in special pseudo-variables (those with names started with "_") and commonly used variables. However, you can use any environment variable (even if it's not listed in this dialog). See also: environment variables.


Important Notes:

Some variables (such as %APPDATA%, %TEMP% folders, etc.) are specific to user account. In other words, each user account has its own %APPDATA% folder. EurekaLog will use %APPDATA% folder of user running your executable. For example:

If you are writing a Win32 Service application - such application is run by "Local System" account by default. "Local System" account has its own %APPDATA% folder, for example: "C:\WINDOWS\system32\config\systemprofile\AppData" or "C:\WINDOWS\SysWOW64\config\systemprofile\AppData" (depending on bitness of your application and operating system).
If you are writing a low integrity application (such as ISAPI DLL running by IIS) - such applications are very restricted. Low-integrity APPDATA folder (%FOLDERID_LocalAppDataLow%) should be used: C:\Users\UserName\AppData\LocalLow\Neos Eureka S.r.l\EurekaLog\Bug Reports\your-executable\



See also:

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