Root > Integral parts > Interface > Project options > Import / export settings

Import / export settings

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This is discussion of EurekaLog project's options.


You can export EurekaLog's settings to an external file and import settings from such files. EurekaLog uses ".eof" file extension to store its settings. .eof-files are just renames text ini files.


Options' exporting and importing are useful in the following cases:

You want to transfer settings from one project to another. In this case you can open first project, export settings to file, then open second project and import options from file. Delete external (temporary) .eof-file after that.
You want to store EurekaLog settings outside of a project (for example - to share same configuration between several projects). See this article for more info.
You want to specify an alternative settings to EurekaLog's post-processor. See also: command-line options (you're interested in --el_config option).


.eof-files also can be edited outside of IDE either in text-editor or EurekaLog standalone Settings Editor tool.


Note: you may want to use common settings instead of copying settings (import/export) between multiple projects. See also: using external settings.



Open EurekaLog's project's settings.


You can find "Import" and "Export" buttons at the dialog's bottom:



"Import" and "Export" buttons in EurekaLog project options dialog


Click on "Export" button to save current project's options to (new) external .eof-file.

Click on "Import" button to replace all current options with options from (existing) external .eof-file.


Default folder for saving .eof files (i.e. folder for "Import settings" and "Export settings" dialogs) is %AppData%\Neos Eureka S.r.l\EurekaLog\Profiles\ (e.g. like C:\Users\UserName\AppData\Roaming\Neos Eureka S.r.l\EurekaLog\Profiles\). Any .eof file placed in that location will appear as "custom" project type.



"Project type" option shows two .eof files


.eof files outside of the above mentioned folder will not appear in "Project type" option.


Apart from %AppData%\Neos Eureka S.r.l\EurekaLog\Profiles\ folder, a typical places to store .eof files are folder or sub-folder of your project.



See also:

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