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Using external settings

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You may want to store settings in separate/standalone .eof file for many reasons. For example, you may want to share common settings between multiple projects. Another reason may be not having Delphi / C++ Builder project at all. For example, if you need EurekaLog settings for Microsoft Visual Studio DLL.


External settings are stored in .eof files. These files are just renamed text ini-files.


.eof files can be obtained:

by saving settings to new file in external settings editor;
by manual creation and editing in any text editor;
by copying another .eof file.



Using the same settings for different project types is usually not a good idea. For example, sharing settings between packages, DLL, GUI and service applications is a bad idea. Create one settings file for each type of projects in your project group (e.g. one settings - for GUI; another settings - for DLLs; and so on).
Alternatively, you may want to copy settings between projects. Use import / export functionality in this case.
Default location for saving .eof files (i.e. folder for "Export settings" dialog) is %AppData%\Neos Eureka S.r.l\EurekaLog\Profiles\ (e.g. like C:\Users\UserName\AppData\Roaming\Neos Eureka S.r.l\EurekaLog\Profiles\).
Any .eof file placed in default location will appear as a "custom" project type. .eof files outside of the default location will not appear in "Project type" option.
Apart from default location, a typical places to store .eof files are folder or sub-folder of your project.



1. Specifying external settings file using IDE expert

You can specify external settings file at "General" tab in the EurekaLog project options dialog:



Specifying external settings file in EurekaLog project options

(path is relative to the project's folder)


Note: .eof file name can be arbitrary. It doesn't have to be the same name as the project; it doesn't have to be placed in the same folder. File path will be specified as relative to the project's folder.



2. Specifying external settings file using command-line compiler

You can specify external settings file via --el_config command-line option.


Note: ecc32/emake respects "use external settings" option in the project (see above), so you can specify external settings file with IDE expert - this option will be used by ecc32/emake. No need to use --el_config switch manually (but you still can use it, if you want to).



3. Using external settings without IDE expert installed

When you don't have IDE expert installed - you can not edit EurekaLog settings of the project from IDE. And no post-processing will be performed. However, your Project1.eof file will still be untouched (not deleted). Therefore, you can edit it with external Settings Editor tool (or just plain text editor). And this file will automatically be used if you decide to make manual post-processing.



See also:

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