Root > Advanced topics > Multi-threaded applications > Enabling EurekaLog for background threads > Manual / code

Manual / code

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Important: as a general rule, you should write your application in a such way that it will behave correctly without EurekaLog on board. This means that if your or 3rd party code throws an exception in a thread - it must be handled in a way that you expect. For example, by showing an error message, canceling action, retrying, etc. Once your application behaves like it is supposed to do - then you add EurekaLog for it. EurekaLog will auto-handle all unhandled exceptions automatically (by hooking few well-known places), and for everything else - you can call EurekaLog from your own handlers when needed. In other words:

Incorrect: your application does not show messages for exceptions in thread and you are adding EurekaLog in hopes to fix this behavior;
Correct: your application correctly handles thread exceptions and you are adding EurekaLog to receive reports about such exceptions.


A most simple way to enable EurekaLog in thread manually is to use BeginThreadEx/TThreadEx:

Use BeginThreadEx function instead of BeginThread function: created thread will be EurekaLog-enabled (by default).
Use TThreadEx class instead of TThread class: created thread will be EurekaLog-enabled (by default).


Both routines are from EBase unit.


Important note: never use CreateThread function. Use BeginThread/BeginThreadEx function instead.


See the above links for more details about this recommended approach.



If you can not use BeginThreadEx/TThreadEx in your code (e.g. you do not create threads - think of thread pools as example), then you have to manually enable EurekaLog for your threads, for example:


function ThreadFunc(Parameter: Pointer): Integer;

    // Both routines are from EBase unit - 

    // thus both can be used in the application without EurekaLog 


    // 1. Name thread for easy identification in debugger and bug reports
    NameThread('This is my thread with Parameter = ' + 
      IntToHex(NativeUInt(Parameter), SizeOf(Pointer) * 2));

    // 2. Enable EurekaLog for this thread.
    SetEurekaLogStateInThread(0, True); 

    // ... your normal code for the thread ...

    Result := 0; 
    Result := 1; 
procedure TForm1.Button1Click(Sender: TObject);
  TID: Cardinal;
  CloseHandle(BeginThread(nil, 0, ThreadFunc, nil, 0, TID));


Notice first actions in the thread: setting thread name (description) and enabling EurekaLog for this thread. This template is a recommended code template. Each of your EurekaLog-enabled threads should start with these two actions. Here is the same example for TThread class:


  TMyThread = class(TThread)
    procedure Execute; override;
procedure TMyThread.Execute;

  // Service calls first:

  NameThread('This is my thread ' + ClassName);

  SetEurekaLogStateInThread(0, True); 
  // ... your normal thread code ...
procedure TForm1.Button1Click(Sender: TObject);
  Thread: TMyThread;
  E: TObject;
  Thread := TMyThread.Create(False);

    // ...


    // Wait for the thread to complete 


    // Clear the FatalException property,

    // so it won't be deleted when thread is deleted
    E := Thread.FatalException;

    PPointer(@Thread.FatalException)^ := nil

    // Re-raise thread's exception 

    if Assigned(E) then
      raise E;


    // What if there is no exception, but thread failed?

    if Thread.ReturnValue <> 0 then


    // Success

    // Do something with thread here...

    // ...



...and for anonymous threads:


  TForm1 = class(TForm)
    procedure HandleThreadException(Sender: TObject);

  // ...

procedure TForm1.Button1Click(Sender: TObject);
  Thread: TThread;
  Thread := TThread.CreateAnonymousThread(
      // Service calls first:
      NameThread('This is my anonymous thread');
      SetEurekaLogStateInThread(0, True); 
      // ... your normal thread code ...
  Thread.OnTerminate := Self.HandleThreadException;
  Thread := nil;


procedure TForm1.HandleThreadException(Sender: TObject);
  Thread: TThread;
  Thread := (Sender as TThread);
  if Assigned(Thread.FatalException) then
    HandleException(Thread.FatalException, False, atThread);


...and a very similar code may be applied to any multi-threading framework that you may use: just insert calls to NameThread + SetEurekaLogStateInThread before your actual thread code.


Since a single thread may serve multiple tasks in a thread pool - it is recommended to clean after yourself:


function MyTask(lpThreadParameter: Pointer): Integer; stdcall;
  // Mark thread for yourself
  NameThread('This is thread pool thread with my task');
  SetEurekaLogStateInThread(0, True); 
    // ... your task code ...
    Result := 0; // <- to indicate success
    on E: Exception do
      Result := HandleException(E);
  // Clean after yourself
  // (i.e. mark/prepare thread for other tasks)
  SetEurekaLogStateInThread(0, False); 
procedure TForm1.Button1Click(Sender: TObject);
  IsMultiThreaded := True;

  Win32Check(QueueUserWorkItem(MyTask, nil, 0));


This sample code enables EurekaLog (and sets thread name) only for the duration of our task. When our task is completed, thread will be released into thread pool - so we disable EurekaLog (because we don't know which task will use this thread in the next time).



See also:

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