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Read-only projects

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Some developers set their project files (such as .dpr or .dproj) to read only. Read-only project files are used as indicators to version control software. However, putting your project to read-only will prevent EurekaLog from working properly - because EurekaLog needs to modify your project to include EurekaLog units and adjust options for debugging.



Step 1: initial setup of EurekaLog in your project

First, you have to configure EurekaLog in your project for the first time. You have to remove read only attribute from your project files to do this. Next, open your project, open EurekaLog project options and configure EurekaLog as you usually would do.


This step will set your project options for debugging, include EurekaLog units into your application, and store EurekaLog options with your project.



Step 2: [optional] disable EurekaLog's assist for project files

Next, you have to tell EurekaLog that it should not try to modify your project files. Usually EurekaLog will try to do this. If your project files are set as read only - EurekaLog will fail and ask you to make your files writable. However, since we already set up EurekaLog - there is no need to make any further modifications.


Note: EurekaLog will only try to modify your project files if it does not match EurekaLog configuration (for example, map file generation is disabled, or uses clause in DPR file does not include EurekaLog units). If there is no need to make changes - EurekaLog will not try to modify/write project files. Therefore, you may skip this step and use "file is read-only" errors as indication that configuration was changed and project needs to be adjusted.


You can instruct EurekaLog to skip project modifications this by enabling "DoNotTouchOptions", "DoNotTouchUnits", and "DoNotTouchPackages" options. Open EurekaLog project options (Project / EurekaLog options), go to "Advanced" / "Custom/Manual" category, add the following lines to any location:






Close dialog with OK button and save your project. Now EurekaLog will not try to modify project options or list of units.



Step 3: re-enable read-only status

Finally, it's time to enable your read-only attribute back for project files. Your project files can be read-only and EurekaLog will work. EurekaLog will be fully functional. EurekaLog will post-process your project on each compilation by using currently set options.



Non-EurekaLog read-only projects

If you want to work with read-only projects without using EurekaLog for them, but still have EurekaLog IDE expert installed - then you have to instruct EurekaLog to skip your non-EurekaLog projects (otherwise EurekaLog may try to remove itself from the project and fail cause project is read-only). To do this - create empty .eof text file with the same name as your project. For example, if you have Project1.dpr project - then you should create new Project1.eof file. Place the following lines to this .eof file (use Notepad to edit file; it's a text file):


[Exception Log]



Save changes. Done.



See also:

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Last edited: 2023-03-07
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